Electron beam induced deposition of low resistivity platinum from Pt ( P F 3 ) 4 a)In situ electron-beam lithography on GaAs substrates using a metal alkoxide resist Using an organometallic precursor, tetrakis͑trifluorophosphine͒platinum ͓Pt͑PF 3 ) 4 ], electron-beam induced deposition of Pt thin films on a Cr-coated Si͑100͒ substrate was investigated. Based on Auger electron spectroscopy, the Pt content reached 60 at. % for a 3 kV e-beam flux of 2.1 ϫ10 Ϫ2 A cm Ϫ2 , a precursor pressure of 2ϫ10 Ϫ5 Torr, and a substrate temperature of 80°C. As the flux ratio ͑e-beam/precursor͒ increased above the optimized value of 10, the rate shifted from control by the e-beam flux to the precursor flux. The phosphorus content was reduced by adding O 2 .