vez de enfoque na luta entre opostos com base em sujeitos pré-dados. Assim, me distanciando da dialética hegeliana, procuro tecer, no presente texto, um diálogo com o pesquisador indo-britânico Homi Bhabha, bem como algumas das suas bases epistemológicas e filosóficas, cujo escopo teórico-político tem sido reler e ressignificar os debates da diversidade e do multiculturalismo sob a ótica pós-colonial dos fluxos e do hibridismo. Nesse sentido, o currículo está longe de ser pensado por limites eficientistas e instrumentais, tal como documento, como grade curricular, como base estrutural. Em uma abordagem não realista, o currículo é pensado como uma política cultural, constitutivo pela contingência, entendido como a própria luta pela enunciação do que vem a ser currículo, a qual se dá, inexoravelmente, no terceiro espaço ou nos interstícios, conforme propõe Bhabha. Palavras-chave: Currículo. Subjetivação. Política. Diferença. Política cultural.
Abstract:The so-called identity politics of differences are now emphasized between educational debates in the global-local sphere, reiterating, in the discursive struggle, signifiers such as curriculum, culture, alterity, and difference. The wager on terms such as dialogue and tolerance has not been casual. In Brazil, the demands of difference have been the object of multiple political articulations, especially since the post-military dictatorship in the midst of strategies and tensions that according to the context, agree and dissent. In power games, issues circumscribed by the emphasis on race/ethnicity, gender and sexuality, mainly, have occupied spaces of discussions. The purpose of this undoubtedly conflicting work is to argue for the understanding of the hybrid processes of subjectivation, widening spaces for difference and for ambivalence rather than focusing on the struggle between opposites based on pre-given subjects. Thus, distancing myself from Hegelian dialectics, I have attempted to weave in the present text a dialogue with the Indo-British researcher Homi Bhabha, as well as some of its epistemological and philosophical bases, whose theoretical and political scope has been to reread and re-significate the debates of diversity and Of multiculturalism under the postcolonial view of flows and hybridity.