Introduction: The elderly are one of the vulnerable groups who have high morbidity and mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic. The elderly had a physical problems and psychological during pandemi such as anxietas, stress and depression abaut COVID-19. The purpose of this study was to describe the stress level of the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic in Banjar Delod Bale Agung, Mengwi Village, Working Area of UPT Puskesmas Mengwi I. Methods: The research method used was descriptive research with a cross sectional approach. The research sample amounted to 134 elderly people who live or settle in Banjar Delod Bale Agung, Mengwi Village, with a simple random sampling technique. Data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive statistical test. Results: The results of the study were obtained from 134 respondents with stress levels in the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic, namely moderate stress (35.1%), no stress (25.4%), severe stress (21.6%) and mild stress (17). ,9%). Discussion: The majority of the elderly experience moderate stress during the COVID-19 pandemic which can affect the health of the elderly, so it is very important to improve the assistance of the elderly and provide support from both families and nurse.
Background: Patients undergoing surgery are often anxious about the surgical procedure, its possible findings, postoperative limitations, changes in normal body function and prognosis. Anxiety can be reduced by nursing actions that focus on therapeutic communication for the patient and his family. Purpose: To determine the relationship between nurse therapeutic communication and the level of anxiety of preoperative patients in the Central Surgical Installation Room of BRSUD, Tabanan Regency. Methods: This study is a quantitative study with an analytic observational design with a cross sectional approach. In this study, using non-probability sampling with Consecutive Sampling technique with a total sample of 56 respondents. The analysis test used is the Spearman Rank with a significance value of 0.05. Results: Based on the results of the study, it was found that the therapeutic communication of nurses was mostly good as many as 42 respondents (75.0%) and the anxiety level of the preoperative patients was mostly moderate as many as 20 people (35.7%). The results of the correlation test using the Spearman Rank obtained a sign value of 0.000 with p <0.05, which means that there is a relationship between nurses' therapeutic communication and the preoperative patient anxiety level. Conclusion: There is a relationship between nurse therapeutic communication with the level of anxiety of preoperative patients in the Central Surgical Installation Room of BRSUD, Tabanan Regency.
Elderly are the group of people who are most at high risk of infection corona virus. Age over 60 years and comorbid diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, chronic obstructive disease and cardiovascular disease are the main factors vulnerability of the elderly to COVID-19. Several studies have stated that spirituality be able to help the elderly to deal with the psychological impact of the pandemic, however, in practice, most of the elderly and their companions only focus on health problems in the biological/physical domain and ignore psychological, social, cultural and spiritual health. This activity aims to increasing spirituality of elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic at Tangguntiti Village, Selemadeg Timur District, Tabanan Regency, held on April 28, 2022. After education on spiritual strengthening of the elderly during the Covid-19 pandemic was carried out in Tangguntiti Village, Selemadeg Timur District, Tabanan Regency, the elderly were committed to improving their spiritual quality in daily life, in order to improve the psychological comfort of the elderly so that a good elderly body resistance is formed during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The first 1000 days are a golden period in a child's development. Several studies have stated that stunting can be prevented by paying attention to the first 1000 days of life, including during pregnancy. This service is carried out to increase mother's knowledge regarding stunting prevention since pregnancy at Puri Bunda Tabanan General Hospital on October 23, 2022 as a form of collaboration with STIKES Advaita Medika Tabanan in accelerating the reduction of stunting in Tabanan in particular and Indonesia in general. After education about stunting was conducted, mothers who attended the educational activities were committed to improving nutritional intake and maintaining physical and mental health of mothers during pregnancy so that later they could give birth to a physically and mentally healthy generation and avoid the risk of stunting or failure to thrive.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new type of disease that has never been previously identified in humans. The virus that causes COVID-19 is called SarsCoV-2. Common signs and symptoms of COVID-19 infection include symptoms of acute respiratory distress such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath. The average incubation period is 5-6 days, with the most prolonged incubation period being 14 days. In severe cases of COVID-19, it can cause pneumonia, acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death. The increase in coronavirus cases in Indonesia shows that people still do not understand the dangers of coronavirus and how to prevent it. On the streets, It can be seen that there are still people who do not use masks and heed the recommendations for maintaining a safe distance. In Dajan Peken Village, it was found that many people did not comply with health protocols, and the public tended to be at risk of contracting COVID-19 due to the lack of public awareness of using masks when gathering in public places. Currently, people rarely spray disinfectant in their home environment, and physical distancing behavior in the community is still lacking. The purpose of this activity is to provide education about preventing COVID-19 and how to wear masks correctly. The measurement results showed that most public knowledge before being given health education was in the excellent category. The majority of general knowledge after being given health education was in the high class. The results show differences in public expertise before and after providing health education to prevent COVID-19 and how to wear masks correctly.ABSTRAKCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) adalah penyakit jenis baru yang belum pernah diidentifikasi sebelumnya pada manusia. Virus penyebab COVID-19 ini dinamakan SarsCoV-2. Tanda dan gejala umum infeksi COVID-19 antara lain gejala gangguan pernapasan akut seperti demam, batuk dan sesak napas. Masa inkubasi rata-rata 5-6 hari dengan masa inkubasi terpanjang 14 hari. Pada kasus COVID-19 yang berat dapat menyebabkan pneumonia, sindrom pernapasan akut, gagal ginjal, dan bahkan kematian. Terjadinya peningkatan kasus virus corona di Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa masih ada masyarakat yang belum memahami bahaya virus corona dan bagaimana cara pencegahannya. Hal ini terlihat di jalan-jalan masih ada masyarakat yang tidak menggunakan masker dan mengindahkan anjuran jaga jarak aman. Di Desa Dajan Peken, ditemukan banyak masyarakat yang kurang mematuhi protokol kesehatan serta masyarakat cenderung berisiko tertular COVID-19 karena kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat menggunakan masker saat berkumpul ditempat umum. Saat ini masyarakat sudah jarang menyemprotkan desinfektan dilingkungan rumah, serta perilaku physical distancing pada masyarakat masih kurang. Tujuan kegiatan ini dalam rangka memberikan edukasi tentang pencegahan COVID-19 dan cara memakai masker yang benar. Hasil pengukuran didapatkan hasil mayoritas pengetahuan masyarakat sebelum diberikan pendidikan kesehatan yaitu berada pada kategori cukup, dan mayoritas pengetahuan masyarakat setelah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan yaitu berada pada kategori tinggi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaaan pengetahuan masyarakat sebelum dan sesudah pemberian pendidikan kesehatan pencegahan COVID-19 dan cara memakai masker yang benar.
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