The sectioned bus is an energy-optimal architecture II. ENERGY-OPTIMAL SECTIONED Bus for system-on-chip (SoC) communication, where we save energyThe purpose of the energy-optimal sectioned bus (ESB) by consequently switching off unused bus sections on a cycle-is to allow low-energy operation of intra-tile communication by-cycle basis. The communication processor is a paradigm for the control of such a bus by means of software. Synchronous systems, between memories and the processor, in the deep communication takes place within the tiles of a SoC in the deep sub-micron (DSM) domain. This is done by switching off wire sub-micron technology domain. We explore design alternatives sections that are not used, cycle-by-cycle, to avoid unnecesfor a linear software-controlled sectioned bus while building the sarily charging the capacity associated with the wire. Beside hardware model of a single-instruction-issue processor, and run, consuming little energy, desirable properties for this type of in simulation, a media benchmark on it. We determine the energy cost of controlling this bus, compare it with the energy gain communication are: scalability with the number of ports, with obtained from the sectioning, and find it favorable. The control the number of channels required, and with technology; further cost is only 5% of the bus transport energy, leaving us with a also low latency, little wire congestion, easy floor-planning, gain by segmentation of 81%. We demonstrate the feasibility Of and suitability for optimizing design procedures. the control of a low-power synchronous communication systemWithin a tile we see all events, including memory access by the processor. Starting out from this case study at the lowend to medium range of network complexity, we consider the and ftes,cas go e y a ogramc ahe memories implications of growing complexity that will arise from using are not predictable. They are often considered [14], [20] multiple sectioned buses on multiple-issue computers (VLIWs). unsuitable for low power designs. Memory hierarchies with We find that control of linear bus topologies of medium-level many scratchpads [15] are a useful alternative. Programmed complexity is now well understood. Further work is needed at control serves us well when affronting one implication of the the high-end of non-linear topologies.ESB, which is that we have to drive all sectioning switches with proper control codes for every cycle. The sectioning I. INTRODUCTION process is too complex to be efficiently controlled by the hardware alone. Hardwired control would in any case not On-chip synchronous communication benefits in energy scale well with high bandwidth or complexity. We see this efficiency from sectioning the connection wires with section-as an application of Wilkes' [22] principle on the superiing switches [19] . How these switches should optimally ority of micro-programming over hardware units. Moreover, be controlled has not been studied up to now. Neither has programmed control allows us to adapt communication in a co...