Effects of game location, quality of opposition and players' exclusions on performance in elite male handball Efecto de la localización del partido, la calidad del adversario y las exclusiones de los jugadores sobre el rendimiento en balonmano masculino de alto nivel Thierry Debanne Université Paris-Est Créteil. France Based on the territoriality concept, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of game location, quality of opposition, and players' exclusions on team performance (score differential). The sample consisted of 364 games (182 during each regular season 2014-2015 and 2015-16) from the French male professional league (LNH). In contrast to the territoriality theory, the results did not show that home teams were more sanctioned than visiting teams. Furthermore, using Analysis of Variance, the findings highlighted the fact that the quality of the opponent overcomes the home advantage effect and the existence of an interaction effect of [game location] x [quality of opposition] x [players'exclusions difference] on the score differential. Indeed, home teams with strong opposition perform better when they are more sanctioned (M = -2.26; SD = 3.53) than when they are less sanctioned (M = -4.9; SD = 4.69). Concerning visiting teams, faced with strong opposition, they perform better when they are less sanctioned (M = -2.8; SD = 4.5) than when they are more sanctioned (M = -5.4; SD =3.5) or when players' exclusions are balanced (M = -5.7; SD = 5.4); also, faced with balanced opposition they perform better when they are more sanctioned (M = 0.03; SD = 4.85) than when players' exclusions are balanced (M = -2.1; SD = 4.34). These results can contribute to a better understanding of the situational determining factors of elite handball performance, helping coaches to prepare their own team accordingly.Key Words: home advantage; territoriality; players' aggressiveness; performance analysis; situational variables; social modeling.
AbstractCorrespondence/correspondencia: Thierry Debanne Université Paris-Est Créteil. France Email: thierry.debanne@u-pec.fr Este estudio se apoya sobre el concepto de territorialidad. Su objectivo es investigar la influencia del lugar del partido, de la calidad del adversario y de la exclusiones de los jugadores sobre el record. La muestra constituye 364 partidos (182 de cada una de las temporadas deportistas 2014-2015 y 2015-2016) de la Liga Francesa profesional del balonmano (LNH). Al contrario de las previsiones resultante de la teoria de la territorilidad, los resultados no han demostrado que los equipos jugando a domicilio eran más sancionados que los equipos visitantes. Sin embargo, utilizando el análisis de varianza, los resultados han demostrado sin duda alguna que la calidad del adversario tenía más efecto sobre el resultado final que el lugar del partido, y que existe un efecto de interacion ([lugar del partido] x (calidad del adversario) x (diferencia de la candidad de jugadores excluidos 2 minutos, entre los equipos)], sobre del tanteo. De hecho, los equipos de cas...