DOI: 10.1017/s001041750800042x
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Food and Welfare in India, c. 1900–1950

Abstract: In 2001, the People's Union for Civil Liberties submitted a writ petition to the Supreme Court of India on the “right to food.” The petitioner was a voluntary human rights organization; the initial respondents were the Government of India, the Food Corporation of India, and six state governments. The petition opens with three pointed questions posed to the court:A.Does the right to life mean that people who are starving and who are too poor to buy food grains ought to be given food grains free of cost by the S… Show more

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Cited by 28 publications
(12 citation statements)
References 23 publications
(7 reference statements)
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“…Building on this approach, Amrith () has written evocatively on hunger and its political ramifications in India. Amrith argues that the government of food developed alongside an imagining of hunger, and both were buttressed by the developing discourse of nutritional science (Amrith, , p.1012).…”
Section: Hunger and Policy: Famines And Their Aftermathmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Building on this approach, Amrith () has written evocatively on hunger and its political ramifications in India. Amrith argues that the government of food developed alongside an imagining of hunger, and both were buttressed by the developing discourse of nutritional science (Amrith, , p.1012).…”
Section: Hunger and Policy: Famines And Their Aftermathmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…There are a number of new and exciting studies underway of the history of humanitarianism, defined as the capacity to identify with the suffering of distant others, which seek to challenge the established lineage of the Western Enlightenment by identifying non-European sources for the increasing abstract and global sense of 'humanity' that emerges in the modern world beyond differences of culture, location and wealth. 12 At the same time, the bloody history of the modern world, and modern Europe, is a reminder of the challenges that lay before the humanitarian project and the importance of local, regional and national characteristics. In the search for the 'connectedness of things', the variety of the 'Europes' in European history is a rich demonstration of how the links in the chain break down and where some of the potential limitations and problems of the transnational or global approach lie.…”
confidence: 99%
“…Portanto, a melhor estratégia a ser adotada pelo Estado era prover auxílio por meio de obras públicas e oferecer trabalho aos necessitados, com a consequente infusão de liquidez e incentivos ao comércio de víveres mesmo nas áreas mais afetadas (Índia, 1898;Bhatia, 1991 (Bhatia, 1991;Dréze, 1990 Estado em todos os níveis de produção e distribuição de alimento (Amrith, 2008).…”
Section: Esse Distanciamento é Claramente Evidenciado Nas Premissas Dunclassified
“…A primeira tentativa foi a criação de um Comitê Nacional Foi apenas com a eleição do primeiro ministro Narendra Modi em 2014, que esta perdeu muito de sua autonomia e poder (Kudaisya, 2014;Nayar, 2001;Amrith, 2008;Business Today, 2014 (1939)(1940)(1941)(1942)(1943)(1944)(1945), primeiramente direcionado à província de Bombaim como medida de racionamento de arroz e trigo e posteriormente replicado em outras regiões do país sob orientação do governo colonial britânico (Knight, 1954). O sistema estava direcionado à distribuição equitativa de arroz e trigo aos consumidores urbanos confrontados com inflação no período de guerra por meio de um sistema de lojas particulares e públicas, chamadas "lojas de preço justo" (fair price shops).…”
Section: Esse Distanciamento é Claramente Evidenciado Nas Premissas Dunclassified
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