This paper studies on Rashīd Riḍā’s view on isrāiliyyāt and the Bible in his tafsir al-Manār. As a reformer in the field of exegesis, Riḍā found urgent necessity in returning al-Qur’an to its original purpose which is to give guidance. The problem is that Riḍā saw many authors of exegesis work (mufassir) before him give profuse and unnecessary exegetical discussion. To Riḍā, displaying this kind of lavish information diverts from the original vision of al-Qur’an and cannot be tolerated. In this case, Riḍā resolutely opposes the quotation of isrāiliyyāt. Interestingly, behind this stance, Riḍā quotes the Bible in his work. This becomes the main focus of this study; how Riḍā views isrāiliyyāt and the Bible, what is the essential difference between the two according to Riḍā, and what is the reason behind his quotation of the bible and his opposition against isrāiliyyāt?. To analyze this topic, descriptive-analytical method is used. The result is, it is found that according to Riḍā, isrāiliyyāt are just unfounded stories and not worth quoting. While the Bible in Riḍā’s view is a holy book containing the New and Old Testament the truth of which is believed by the People of the Book themselves. In this case, Riḍā believes that the source worth quoting is only one which is ṣaḥīḥ and marfū’ from the Prophet. Whenever it has to be from the People of the Book, one should quote from the Bible even though Riḍā himself realizes that there are many oddities in it. There are several reasons behind Riḍā’s quoting the Bible (1) Bible is still sourced to the books of Ahl al-Kitab. (2) Bible becomes the guidance of Ahl al-Kitab. (3) Bible can be accounted for according to the Bible.(4) Bible does not have negative motives toward Islam. Key words: Rashīd Riḍā, Tafsir al-Manār, isrāiliyyāt, the Bible
This study seeks to reveal the progression of pesantren in the development of the pesantren environment in the era industry through the Roan Akbar Movement. This research uses an interactive analysis method. Data sourced from interviews, field observations, and documentation. The research location is in Pekalongan. Research shows, through the Roan Akbar Movement, pesantren have progressive development in the environment of students. It can be seen from two things. First, the acceptance of the presence of era Industry. Second, by eradicating the negative values of the era of disruption such as reduced social sense, solidarity, and caring. The acceptance was reflected in at least three things: activities' implementation, documentation of activities, and communication patterns formed in the Roan Akbar Movement. The eliminating of negative values is realized by the massive movement of the Roan Akbar Movement, which has a positive impact on the environment in pesantren.
The studies of miracles of the Qur'an have long been dominated by the composition of the versatility, the selection of discussions and the placement of balanced vocabulary, all of which extinguish the miracles of the Qur'an language. The studies continue to develop and emerge the studies of miracles of the Qur'an by looking at the mathematical miracles in the Qur'an. The miracles in the Qur'an were first introduced by Rashad Khalif by discovering the miracles of numbers in Qur'an verses. Some other studies tried to reveal the miracles of the Qur'an through matching and shifting certain aspects in Qur'an. Unlike in the previous studies, Abu Zahra An-Najd tried to relate words with the phenomenon of mathematical miracles that had been studied previously. This study tries to amend 'jāz 'adadī in the Qur'an and the Secret Book of Abu Zahra an-Najdi.
Tulisan ini mencoba untuk menjelaskan landasan dan prinsip-prinsip perumusan metodologi tafsir alternatif yang digagas oleh Abdul Moqsith Ghazali. Untuk mengurai masalah ini, penulis melakukan studi kepustakaan dengan mengkaji tawaranmetodologi tafsirMoqsith Ghazali dalam buku “Metodologi Studi al-Quran”. Studi ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa metodologi tafsir alternatif yang digagas Moqsith Ghozali bertujuan untuk membebaskan ahli hukum dari ketergantungan terhadap teks, merubah kebiasaan lama dari literal ke substansial. Sedangkan yang menjadi landasan dalam perumusan kaidah alternatif tersebut adalah maqās}id al-Sharī’ah.Tiga kaidah baru yang ditawarkan Moqsith adalah al-‘ibrah bi al-maslah}ah lā bi khus}ūs}al-asbāb, jawāz naskh al-nus}ūs} al-juziyyah bi al-mas}lah}ah dan tanqi>h} al-nus}ūs} bi ‘aql mujtama’ yajūzu.
The Qur’an, which has the status of a Muslim holy book, is experiencing "alienation" because it is considered unable to make practical contributions to various new challenges that arise. Al-Qur’an and Pancasila, which are the two important handles of Indonesian Muslims, are expected to not only keep up with the times. More than that, the al-Qur’an and Pancasila must really be able to fill the void and give an active role through its values, to bring the progress of Indonesia with a distinctive personality in the face of the Industrial 4.0 era. This paper tries to review the strengthening of Muslim Hub as a strategy in dealing with Industry 4.0 through contextualization of the values of the Koran and Pancasila. This study uses Max Weber's theory of Protestant ethics. In a book entitled The Protestant Ethics and Spirit of Capitalism, Weber has done a thorough analysis of the relationship between capitalism and religion. AbstrakAl-Qur’an dan Pancasila harus betul-betul mampu mengisi kekosongan dan memberi peran aktif melalui nilai-nilainya, untuk membawa kemajuan Indonesia dengan kepribadian yang khas dalam menghadapi era Industri 4.0. Tulisan ini mencoba mengulas seputar penguatan muslim hub sebagai strategi dalam menghadapi Industri 4.0 melalui kontekstualisasi nilai al-Qur’an dan Pancasila. Dalam penelitian ini ada dua bukti empiris yang pertama order monastic, dimana orang saleh ternyata juga memiliki prestasi yang gemilang dari sisi material. Kedua sekte protestan yang memiliki prestasi yang gemilang dalam fase awal munculnya kapitalisme modern. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Max Weber tentang etika Protestan. Dalam buku yang berjudul The Protestan Ethics and Spirit of Capitalism, Weber telah melakukan analisa yang mendalam mengenai relasi kapitalisme dan keagamaan yang menunjukkan betapa agama memiliki pengaruh kuat dalam pembentukan karakter pemeluknya. Jika ditarik ke kajian yang lebih luas, maka ideologi memiliki peran kuat dalam mempengaruhi perilaku pengikutnya, baik ideologi keagamaan maupun ideologi kenegaraan. Kata Kunci: Kontekstualisasi, Al-Qur’an, Pancasila, Industri 4.0.
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