AbstrakPenelitian ini dilakukan karena peneliti merasa banyaknya ditemukan masalah pada karya kaligrafi kontemporer di SMP Negeri 15 Islam Terpadu Binjai diantaranya yaitu sebagian karya siswa tidak memahami perpaduan warna yang benar, dalam segi keterbacaan huruf masih belum terbaca, kurangnya oalahan pada huruf, dan karya kaligrafi masih banyak ditemukan kesalahan pada penulisan huruf. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari, mengetahui, menggambarkan, menguraikan dan menganalisa pemilihan warna dan keterbacaan huruf pada karya kaligrafi kontemporer karya siswa ekstrakurikuler di SMP Negeri 15 Islam Terpadu Binjai tahun ajaran 2018 s/d 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif sebagai acuan. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah kaligrafi kontemporer karya siswa ekstrakurikuler di SMP Negeri 15 Islam Terpadu Binjai ditinjau dari keterbacan huruf dan warna sebanyak 8 karya kaligrafi kontemporer. Hasil keseluruhan dalam penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa karya kaligrafi golongan kontemporer dinilai dari keterbacan huruf dan warna dinilai cukup baik. Hasil keseluruhan dalam penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa karya kaligrafi golongan kontemporer dinilai dari keterbacan huruf dan warna dinilai cukup baik. Dengan nilai rata-rata 81,05 untuk keterbacaan huruf dan 80,42 untuk warna.Kata Kunci: Kaligrafi Kontemporer, Keterbacaan Huruf, WarnaAbstractThis research was conducted because the research conducted found findings in contemporary calligraphy works in SMP Negeri 15 Integrated Islamic Binjai are some of the work of students who do not meet the right color mix, in the mix of readability of letters are still unreadable, excess in letters, and calligraphy works are still commonly found Error with letter update. This study discusses to discuss, study, discuss, analyze and analyze color selection and letter readability in contemporary calligraphic works by extracurricular students in Binjai Integrated Islamic Middle School 158 from 2018 to 2019. This study uses qualitative question and answer according to search. The subject of this research is the contemporary work of extracurricular students at Binjai Integrated Islamic Middle School 15 in terms of letters and color reading of 8 contemporary calligraphy works. The overall results in this study explain about contemporary calligraphy works that discuss the openness of letters and colors quite well.
The purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness of the preservation of traditional North Sumatra ornaments, by revitalizing. The steps are 1. Resocializing traditional North Sumatra ornaments to the next generation, 2. Display ornaments in the form of cutting stickers, and 3. Apply the cutting sticker on the outer surface of the food jar. Research methods conducted: 1. re-record the traditional ornament forms of North Sumatra, 2. determine the selected ornament as a sample, 3. re-design the shape of the ornament with a computer, 4. Apply the design to cutting sticker, 5. identify the shapes of the jar to be applied ornaments, 6. sticking cutting sticker on jar, 7. socialize jar products to the community through exhibitions. The results of the study were obtained forms of ornaments that were modified and obtained various forms of traditional Ornate jars of North Sumatra as a product of local genius.Keywords: revitalization, traditional ornaments, cutting stickers. AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektivitas pelestarian ornamen tradisional Sumatera Utara, dengan dengan cara melakukan revitalisasi. Langkah-langkahnya yaitu: 1. mensosialisasikan ulang ornamen tradisional Sumatera Utara kepada generasi penerus, 2. menampilan ornamen dalam bentuk cutting sticker, dan 3. mengaplikasikan cutting sticker tersebut pada permukaan luar toples makanan. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan : 1. mendata ulang bentuk-bentuk ornamen tradisional Sumatera Utara, 2. menetapkan ornamen yang dipilih sebagai sampel, 3. meredisain bentuk ornamen dengan komputer, 4. Mengaplikasikan desain menjadi cutting sticker, 5. menidentifikasi bentuk-bentuk toples yang akan diterapkan ornamen, 6. menempelkan cutting sticker pada toples, 7. mensosialisasikan produk toples kepada masyarakat melalui pameran. 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Medan City in Indonesia, is rich with iconic forms in the form of historical buildings and cultural products of the past. On the other hand, Medan City tourism has been known since the Dutch colonial era, but has not been supported by the availability of souvenir products. This research article describes the revitalization of the iconic forms of Medan City. The aim is to examine the potential of iconic forms to be used as the basis for the development of relief-dimensional painting as a tourism souvenir product. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. The replicated method is a combination of survey method and creation method. Sources of research data are written data, photo data, interview results, notes on the creation process, and appreciative assessments. Data analysis was carried out using an interactive model: data reduction, data presentation, verification and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the iconic shapes of Medan City have great potential to be explored into original painting themes. Technically, the art of painting with relief dimensions is effectively developed with rubber sheet material, supported by strong texture work. Overall, the paintings produced have an aesthetic quality, exclusive as tourism souvenirs.
The creation of this work visualizes the results of the author's reinterpretation in the form of illustration art using digital printing technology, and the unique culture of the Karo people as a source of creative ideas. With the rapid development of the times, people are starting to leave the typical Karo culture, so it is important to look back at traditional culture so that ancestral values do not just disappear. The purpose of this creation; 1). Visualize the Karo cultural activities. 2) Knowing the concept of illustration production 3). Know the techniques and procedures for making illustrations. Karo culture is one of the assets that must be preserved in the era of modernization and development, and introducing Karo culture through illustrations is one of them. textile art (voal fabric). From this creation, Karo cultural concepts were born such as Karo traditional musical instruments, Karo traditional food, Karo daily life, Merdang Merdem, agriculture, bone-moving rituals, Karo traditional dances, and others. Mastery of technique and material exploration is expected to be appreciated by all circles, art lovers, and of course the Karo people.Keyword: illustrations, digital printing, textile. AbstrakPenciptaan karya ini memvisualisasikan hasil reinterpretasi penulis dalam bentuk seni ilustrasi menggunakan teknologi digital printing, dan keunikan budaya masyarakat Karo menjadi sumber ide kreatif. Dengan perkembangan zaman yang semakin pesat, masyarakat mulai meninggalkan budaya khas Karo, sehingga penting untuk melihat kembali budaya tradisional agar nilai-nilai leluhur tidak hilang begitu saja. Tujuan penciptaan ini; 1). Memvisualisasikan kegiatan budaya khas Karo. 2) Mengetahui konsep produksi ilustrasi 3). Mengetahui teknik dan prosedur untuk membuat ilustrasi. Budaya khas Karo merupakan salah satu aset yang harus dilestarikan di era modernisasi dan perkembangan, dan memperkenalkan budaya khas Karo melalui ilustrasi adalah salah satunya. seni tekstil (kain voal). Dari hasil penciptaan ini lahirlah konsep-konsep budaya khas Karo seperti alat musik tradisional Karo, makanan tradisional Karo, kehidupan sehari-hari Karo, Merdang Merdem, pertanian, ritual memindahkan tulang, tarian tradisional Karo, dan lain-lain. Penguasaan teknik dan eksplorasi materi diharapkan dapat diapresiasi oleh semua kalangan, pecinta seni, dan tentunya masyarakat Karo.Kata Kunci: ilustrasi, digital printing, tekstil. Authors:Muhammad Iqbal Rizki Barus : Universits Negeri MedanAnam Ibrahim : Universits Negeri MedanAdek Cerah Kurnia Azis : Universits Negeri Medan References:Koentjaraningrat, K. (2013). Pengantar Antropologi. Jakarta: Aksara Baru.Liliweri, A. (2002). Makna Budaya dalam Komunikasi antar Budaya. Yogyakarta: PT. LKiS Pelangi Aksara.Salam, S. (2017). Seni Ilustrasi: Esensi, Sang Ilustrator, Lintasan, Penilaian. Makassar: Badan Penerbit UNM.Tinambunan, N., Triyanto, R., & Azis, A. C. K. (2021). Ilustrasi Cerpen Renjaya Siahaan pada Koran Analisa. Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa, 10(1), 56-61.Sidabutar, Y., & Mangatas, M. (2017). Tortor Batak Toba sebagai Sumber Penciptaan Gambar Ilustrasi dengan Aplikasi Photoshop CS3. Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa, 6(1), 41-55.Witabora, J. (2012). Peran dan perkembangan Ilustrasi. Humaniora, 3(2), 659-667.Girsang, S. T. (2021). “Kebudayaan Karo”. Hasil Wawancara Pribadi: 1 Desember 2021, Universitas Negeri Medan.Pasaribu, E. S. K. T. (2021). “Masyarakat Karo”. Hasil Wawancara Pribadi: 1 Desember 2021, Universitas Negeri Medan.
The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The population in this study were several works by class VIII students of Bunga Mawar Gunungsitoli Private Junior High School with a total of five works and the research sample was several works by class VIII students, totaling five works using the Total Sampling technique. The results showed that the application of the scribble technique for drawing fruit shapes, grade VIII SMP Swasta Bunga Mawar Gunungsitoli on average got a very good category with a total of two works, got a good category a total of two works, while getting a poor category a total of one work. In the results of the recapitulation of the value of the fruit shape drawing with the scribble technique, the proportion indicator gets a good category with an average value of 77.3 and the dark and light indicator gets a good category with an average score of 78.98. Furthermore, the highest score on student work by getting an average score of 90 on work number two and the lowest score on student work with an average score of 58.3 on work number four. Based on the results of data analysis, it was concluded that the results of the drawing of the shape of the fruit with the scribble technique of the Bunga Mawar Gunungsitoli Private Junior High School could be said to be good.
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