“…Steady-state water flow from the WT to the soil surface was extensively studied theoretically and experimentally for homogeneous soils (Moore, 1939;Anat, 1965;Warrick, 1988;Gowing et al, 2006;Salvucci, 1993;Shokri and Salvucci, 2011;Sadeghi et al, 2012a) as well as for stratified soil profiles (Willis, 1960;Ripple et al, 1970;Warrick and Yeh, 1990;Lu and Zhang, 2004) and other heterogeneous media Zhu and Mohanty, 2002;Bechtold et al, 2012). The majority of developed models are based on the Buckingham-Darcy law (Buckingham, 1907) and its analytical or numerical solutions within the liquid flow domain.…”