“…Thirteen out of the 20 studies were concerned with attempts to increase knowledge throughmostlydidactic education interventions (Azevedo, Pinheiro, Yaphe, & Baltazar, 2013;Cebotarenco & Bush, 2008;Croft et al, 2007;Farrell et al, 2011;Huang et al, 2007;Larson, Ferng, McLoughlin, Wang, & Morse, 2009;Lecky et al, 2010;McNulty, Bowen, Gelb, & Charlett, 2007;McNulty, Nichols, Boyle, Woodhead, & Davey, 2010;McNulty, Swan, & Boland, 2001;Pontes & Pontes, 2005;Stockwell et al, 2010;Trepka, Belongia, Chyou, Davis, & Schwartz, 2001), very often with schoolchildren or parents. These studies used a variety of means for increasing knowledge about antibiotics and antimicrobial stewardship more generally.…”