Perpentage oil or other di~thyl ether soluble material was determined in lydphilized ground whole seeds a~l~,:~rt;buffer _(~odium.~phosphate; pH 7.9, I soluble and insoluble ~xtracts of high quality "Floru~ner" peanuts (Arachia hypogaea L.) not inoculated or inoculated witl~ Aspergillus parasiticus, A~pergilIus oryzae, Rhizopus! oligosporus, or Neurospbra sitophila and held for ,~arious time intervals to 1~ days, During the test p~riod, percentage ether e~tractable material fncrease¢ in buffer soluble frac-tiOn~ of ,,,peanuts infected Jwitt~ these fungi and decreased in insoluble pr~eparatibns. The trend~ of these quantitative changes at various test inte~lil~ ~ere.similar for see.ds infected with A. par~igc~s .a~d seeds infected with N. sitophila and A. oryzae~,:,T, l!o percentage ether soluble material in whole seeds infected with th~ese fungi.either decreased slightly or dig not chang6 durmgtl~ete~ pen-ods. Dala ~t/~ s fl~tFtech~i~iies 'deqetoIS~'d ' tO -~Op~irate-o11-hh~t~0i}Ot 'i extraction processes may fiO~g~ sdftable;fOt~N01~fiiig these components from molded or partially decomposed seeds.