ABSTRACT1. The structure, forest condition and regeneration status of nine mangrove forests in two trans-boundary areas of Mozambique bordering Tanzania and South Africa were studied. The main objective was to estimate the cutting intensity in the selected sites -Saco and Sangala in southern Mozambique; Mecu´fi, Pemba, Ibo, Luchete, Ulo in northern Mozambique, and Mngoji 1 and Mngoji 2 in Tanzania.2. A total of 135, 10 m  10 m quadrats were set in the outer, middle and lower parts of the mangrove forests at all sampling sites. Measurements included stem diameter at breast height (DBH) and height of adult trees (i.e. all trees with stem diameter more than 2.5 cm). Young trees (with stem diameter of less than 2.5 cm) were classified as juveniles. To assess forest condition, trees within the quadrat were classified into intact, partially cut, coppiced, die back and stump. Pole quality was appraised through the classification of the lead stem into three categories-straight, semi-straight and crooked poles.3. The results indicate different levels of exploitation with Mngoji 1 and Mngoji 2, the most degraded sites, having stump densities of 959 stumps ha À1 and 592 stumps ha
À1, respectively. Most sites had mostly poles of inferior quality (crooked poles), but high densities of straight and semi-straight poles were found in Mngoji 1 (742 stems ha À1 ) and Saco (636 stems ha
À1). 4. Natural regeneration was observed in most sites but not for all species, with adequate regeneration in Saco (14 766 saplings ha
À1) and Mecu´fi (14 706 saplings ha À1 ), while low regeneration was recorded in Mngoji 1 and 2 (2212 saplings ha À1 and 4799 saplings ha À1 , respectively). 5. These results indicate the need for improved mangrove management and replanting especially in mangrove depleted conservation areas of southern Tanzania.