DOI: 10.1002/sim.3774
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Statistical design for a small serial dilution series

Abstract: We describe statistical plans for a serial dilution series designed to detect and estimate the number of viral particles in a solution. The design addresses a problem when a very limited number of aliquots are available for proliferation. A gamma prior distribution on the number of viral particles allows us to describe the marginal probability distribution of all experimental outcomes. We examine a design that minimizes the expected reciprocal information and compare this with the maximum entropy design. We ar… Show more

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Cited by 4 publications
(5 citation statements)
References 26 publications
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“…Serial dilution, also called limiting dilution series, is a standard laboratory procedure; [19] the objective of the serial dilution method is to estimate the concentration (number of colonies, organisms, bacteria, or viruses) of an unknown sample by counting the number of colonies cultured from serial dilutions of the sample, and then back track the measured counts to the unknown concentration. Serial dilution techniques are routinely used in hospitals, public health, virology, immunology, and microbiology.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Serial dilution, also called limiting dilution series, is a standard laboratory procedure; [19] the objective of the serial dilution method is to estimate the concentration (number of colonies, organisms, bacteria, or viruses) of an unknown sample by counting the number of colonies cultured from serial dilutions of the sample, and then back track the measured counts to the unknown concentration. Serial dilution techniques are routinely used in hospitals, public health, virology, immunology, and microbiology.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In our empirical example we estimated standard errors that were 50% smaller than a standard design with the same sample size, a result consistent with predictions from our simulation study. In contrast to our approach, previous work has focused on SDLA designs that are efficient in the statistical sense (e.g., De St. Groth, 1982;Strijbosch et al, 1987;Matthews, 1998;Zelterman et al, 2010), but the requirements to implement these designs may often be impractical for everyday use by scientists.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…These fractions are then used to define a range of dilutions. Finally, Zelterman et al (2010) proposed using maximum entropy as an alternative to the Fisher information; this accounts for the expected variation in the fraction of nonresponsive wells at each level of dilution. These approaches require experimenters to determine a range of plausible values for .…”
Section: Experimental Designmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…= 0 Go to #8 I only drank an alcoholic beverage once in the past 6 months. = 12 , ,..., n T T T  длины временных интервалов между моментом интервью и последним эпизодом, полученные по результатам опроса.…”
Section: When Was the Last Time You Consumed An Alcoholic Beverage? Ounclassified
“…Вместе с тем стоит учитывать, что указанный опросный инструментарий разрабатывался без учета потребностей, которые возникли позже, например -получение количественных оценок интенсивности рискованного поведения и риска, с ним связанного в эпидемиологических исследованиях ВИЧ/СПИД. Одной из возможных альтернатив представляется опрос респондента об одном или нескольких последних эпизодах его поведения [5][6][7][9][10][11][12]. Заметим, что ответы респондента на такие вопросы о послед-Труды СПИИРАН.…”
Section: Introductionunclassified