This paper represents a study of the quality of life in the City of Rijeka. The main research aim was to analyse whether significant differences exist in mean satisfaction with neighbourhood among different groups of respondents according to selected variables. Overall neighbourhood satisfaction was used as an indicator of the quality of neighbourhood life. The main research method was a questionnaire survey conducted on a random sample of 365 households, chosen from five city neighbourhoods. Statistical procedures used were t-test and one-way analysis of variance. The conducted analysis showed that respondents in analysed neighbourhoods of Rijeka do not differ significantly in neighbourhood satisfaction regarding: gender, age, educational attainment, monthly household income, perceived property value, housing type and length of residence. On the other hand, significant difference in neighbourhood satisfaction was found regarding respondents' tenure. Furthermore, it has been shown that a positive feeling towards place and community is linked with higher levels of neighbourhood satisfaction. Respondents who meet their neighbours more often to discuss common neighbourhood issues were also more satisfied with their neighbourhoods.
Key words: urban quality of life, neighbourhood, Rijeka
Kvaliteta života -studija slučaja: Grad RijekaRad se bavi kvalitetom života u Gradu Rijeci. Glavni istraživački cilj bio je istražiti postoje li statistički značajne razlike u prosječnom zadovoljstvu susjedstvom među različitim grupama ispitanika s obzirom na odabrane varijable. Kao indikator kvalitete života u susjedstvu upotrijebljeno je pitanje o ukupnom zadovoljstvu susjedstvom. Glavna istraživačka metoda bila je anketno istraživanje, koje je provedeno na slučajnom uzorku od 365 kućanstava odabranih iz pet gradskih susjedstava. Primijenjeni su statistički postupci t-test i jednosmjerna analiza varijance. Navedenim analizama utvrđeno je da se ispitanici iz odabranih susjedstava Grada Rijeke ne razlikuju značajno u zadovoljstvu susjedstvom s obzirom na spol, dob, stupanj obrazovanja, prosječna mjesečna primanja kućanstva, percipiranu vrijednost nekretnina u susjedstvu, tip stambenog objekta te duljinu stanovanja u susjedstvu. S druge strane, značajne razlike u zadovoljstvu susjedstvom pronađene su s obzirom na stambeni status, pozitivne osjećaje prema mjestu i zajednici te učestalost sastajanja sa susjedima.