Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) has seen remarkable development in recent years. The possibility of getting quantitative or semiquantitative data, while maintaining the spatial component in the tissues has opened up unique study possibilities. Now with a spatial window of few tens of microns, we can characterize the events occurring in tissue subcompartments in physiological and pathological conditions. For example, in oncology—especially in preclinical models—we can quantitatively measure drug distribution within tumors, correlating it with pharmacological treatments intended to modify it. We can also study the local effects of the drug in the tissue, and their effects in relation to histology. This review focuses on the main results in the field of drug MSI in clinical pharmacology, looking at the literature on the distribution of drugs in human tissues, and also the first preclinical evidence of drug intratissue effects. The main instrumental techniques are discussed, looking at the different instrumentation, sample preparation protocols, and raw data management employed to obtain the sensitivity required for these studies. Finally, we review the applications that describe in situ metabolic events and pathways induced by the drug, in animal models, showing that MSI makes it possible to study effects that go beyond the simple concentration of the drug, maintaining the space dimension. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Mass Spec Rev