“…After birth, the brain, which develops earlier than any other structure in mammals, strongly influences neurocranial (Topinard, 1891; Delattre, 1951;Moss and Young, 1960;Delattre and Fenart, 1963;Hofer, 1969;Moss, 1973;Michejda, 1975;Sirianni and Swindler, 1979;Moss et al, 1982;Sirianni, 1985), and orbit (Hartwig, 1995) growth. Slower neurocranial growth with respect to the face as seen in Saimiri was also observed in rats (Pucciarelli, 1981;Oyhenart, (Schultz, 1962;Pucciarelli et al, 1990;Dressino, 1991;Pucciarelli and Dressino, 1996). The relative differences in growth have been attributed to the longer growth span of the face rather than to growth rate differences, because facial growth ends later than that of the neural mass.…”