“…The physical model underlying SOLPENCO2 [e.g., Aran et al ., , ; Jacobs and Poedts , ; Pomoell et al , ] combines 2‐D MHD interplanetary shock propagation simulations developed during the SEPEM project with the particle transport code of Lario et al [] to model proton intensity‐time profiles of gradual SEP events. The new features of this shock‐and‐particle model that follows the same modular structure as previous models applied to single spacecraft and multispacecraft SEP events [e.g., Aran et al , ] are as follows: (i) a solar wind model starting from 1.03 R ⊙ [ Jacobs and Poedts , ], (ii) a simulation of the CME‐driven shock tracked from 4 R ⊙ up to 1.6 AU, (iii) an automated method to detect the location of the shock front where a given observer is magnetically connected during the event, i.e., the observer's cobpoint (“Connecting with the OBserver POINT”) [ Heras et al , ], and to compute the plasma variable ratios at the cobpoint, and (iv) the modeling of the transport of protons up to 200 MeV.…”