The unfrozen water content in frozen soils strongly infl uences heat and mass transport processes. Despite massive research work, the actual implica ons of the freeze-thaw process on unfrozen water s ll remain unknown. The main objec ve of this study was to examine the hypothe cal eff ect of a number of previous freeze-thaw cycles on the unfrozen water content during the current cycle. Several bentonites (Stx-1b from Wyoming, SWy-2 from Texas, as well as Ca, Na, and K forms of bentonite from Chmielnik) with diff erent water contents were subjected to repeated freezing to −90°C and thawing at 20°C in a diff eren al scanning calorimeter (DSC). The total number of cycles was fi ve. The unfrozen water contents were determined on warming during each cycle by the use of the stochas c deconvolu on of the DSC signal. According to the ANOVA results, the freeze-thaw eff ect on the unfrozen water content w u in the bentonites was not sta s cally signifi cant. A clear pa ern of altera ons of w u with the number of consecu ve cycles could be dis nguished, however, depending on the major exchangeable ca on. The kind of exchangeable ca on played a predominant role in the temperature dependence of the unfrozen water content. The specifi c surface area strongly aff ected the unfrozen water content at lower temperatures, i.e., at −5°C and below. Closer to 0°C, the eff ect of the specifi c surface became absolutely insignifi cant, and the clay frac on content determined by the laser diff rac on method proved to be the soil property best correla ng with the unfrozen water content at −1°C.Abbrevia ons: DSC, diff eren al scanning calorimeter.The frost phenomena in soils play an important role in many types of problems in such varied fi elds as civil engineering, road geotechnics, agriculture, and meteorology. Many aspects of "frost geotechnics" have been being analyzed by many researchers for >100 yr. Th ese include a general physics of the process, i.e., the freezing point depression and the water remaining unfrozen under the freezing point, frost heaving and the associated phenomena of mass transport, the mechanical properties of frozen soil, and many others. Th e cycling of freezing and thawing can be seen in this context in two ways. First, the freeze-thaw cycles generate their own specifi c phenomena, such as the resulting alteration of the soil structure and microstructure. Second, the history of previous cyclic freezing and thawing may aff ect the frost phenomena and soil properties as observed in a current freezing cycle or in the thawed state. Hence, an experimental design can be planned with the object to determine and, in some cases, explain the extent and kind of possible impact.Th e alteration of the soil microstructure and fabric due to cyclic freezing and thawing seems to have been confi rmed by many researchers by the use of scanning electron microscopy. Kujala and Laurinen (1989) observed that as a result of repeated freezing and thawing, the plate-like clay particles of their soil samples became aggregated in a rand...