Objective: To characterize the profile of elderly hospitalized patients in foot wards of a university hospital; to identify the foot care demands of these patients; and to examine the possibilities of actions of nurses with them. Methods: A quantitative, exploratorydescriptive approach was followed. A total of 40 hospitalized elderly people participated in this study. An instrument including questions about physical examination of feet and a sensitivity test using Semmes-Weinstein Monofilament (10g), submitted to simple statistical analysis, was used. Results: A total of 32 (80%) elderly people had dry skin; 30 (75%), decreased sensitivity; 27 (67.5%), calluses; 22 (55%, cramps;) and 20 (50%), hallux valgus. Conclusion: Health professionals need to recognize the demands of the elderly population, including foot care, as foot changes can cause pain and discomfort and they can interfere with the daily lives of the elderly, creating risks that aggravate their illness and contribute to their disability.Keywords: Foot; Aged; Hospitalization; Nursing Care; Geriatric Nursing. Estudio cuantitativo, exploratorio y descriptivo. Realizado con 40 personas mayores hospitalizadas, a través de la aplicación de preguntas sobre el examen físico de pies y pruebas de sensibilidad con Monofilamento de Semmes-Weistein de 10g, sometidos al análisis estadístico simple. Resultados: Se identificó que 32 ancianos (80%) tenían la piel seca; 30 (75%), sensibilidad disminuida; 27 (67,5%), presencia de callo; 22 (55%), calambres; y Hallux Valgus en 20 (50%). Conclusión: Los profesionales de salud necesitan reconocer las demandas de los pacientes ancianos, incluyendo el cuidado de los pies, ya que las alteraciones pueden causar dolor y molestias capaces de interferir en la vida de las personas mayores, agravando la enfermedad y contribuyendo con la incapacidad de ellos.