DOI: 10.21831/pspmm.v2i0.90
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Analisis Makanan Tradisional Dalam Perspektif Etnomatematika Sebagai Pendukung Literasi dan Sumber Belajar Matematika

Abstract: Dokumen ini adalah "live" template. Segala komponen yang diperlukan makalah seperti judul, abstrak, pendahuluan, dan sebagainya sudah dicontohkan di sini. Sehingga tinggal menggunakan dengan menumpuknya saja. Sebagai contoh abstrak diketik dalam satu paragraf yang terdiri dari lebih kurang 250 kata yang mengandung intisari dari seluruh tulisan mengenai pendahuluan, tujuan, metode, dan hasil penelitian secara singkat dan diformat seperti yang terlihat pada bagian ini. Keseluruhan makalah diketik mengikuti templ… Show more

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Cited by 4 publications
(5 citation statements)
References 0 publications
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“…This is consistent with previous research conducted by Yunia and Zanthy (2020), who found that errors made by students in solving contextual questions were caused by students not being careful in reading and not understanding what was meant by the question. Furthermore, Sari (2015) states that mathematical literacy skills are not only limited to numeracy skills but also include the ability to apply and reason mathematically. Students' mathematical literacy skills can be seen in how they use mathematical skills to solve problems that may occur in various situations related to each individual (Hayati & Kamid, 2019).…”
Section: Figure 9 Results Of S-m Work Number 1cmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…This is consistent with previous research conducted by Yunia and Zanthy (2020), who found that errors made by students in solving contextual questions were caused by students not being careful in reading and not understanding what was meant by the question. Furthermore, Sari (2015) states that mathematical literacy skills are not only limited to numeracy skills but also include the ability to apply and reason mathematically. Students' mathematical literacy skills can be seen in how they use mathematical skills to solve problems that may occur in various situations related to each individual (Hayati & Kamid, 2019).…”
Section: Figure 9 Results Of S-m Work Number 1cmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Manusia merupakan makhluk Tuhan yang diciptakan dengan segala keunggulan dibandingkan ciptaan-Nya yang lain. Keunggulan tersebut meliputi akal, karsa, dan rasa untuk mengolah segala informasi yang bersifat pengetahuan untuk dijadikan suatu literasi (Sari, 2015).…”
Section: Pendahuluanunclassified
“…Education has a big role in the development and progress of a nation. Afriyanti in (Sari et al, 2020). Education is an important need because only through education can human resources be created who have comparative and competitive advantages who are skilled and able to change the conditions of life from conventional ones to more modern ones (Gagaramusu, 2013).…”
Section: A Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The 2013 curriculum uses an integrated thematic-based learning implementation model in elementary schools. According to (Herlina, 2019) learning (Sari et al, 2020). This aims to ensure that students can become a generation with character and are able to maintain and preserve culture as the basis of the nation's personality.…”
Section: A Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%