“…It is seen in the literature that teachers' beliefs of self-efficacy related to teaching-learning processes were mostly studied (Guskey, 1988;Pajares, 1992;Cetinkaya, 2007;Ozerkan, 2007;Klassen and Chiu, 2010;Benzer, 2011;Deniz, 2013;Ekinci, 2015;Sahan and Zöğ, 2017;Schipper et al, 2018); on the other hand, there are a small number of studies that investigate the teaching-learning process self-efficacy beliefs of instructors in higher education institutions (Busch et al, 1998;Bailey, 1999;Zhao et al, 2008;Evans and Tress, 2009). In this respect, it was found that the majority of the measurement tools developed to measure the self-efficacy beliefs for teaching and learning processes were developed to determine the self-efficacy beliefs of teachers and prospective teachers (Gibson and Dembo, 1984;Guskey and Passaro, 1994;Tschannen-Moran and Hoy, 2001;Senemoglu et al, 2006;Ozdemir, 2008) while a limited number of measurement tools have been developed to determine self-efficacy beliefs of instructors for teaching and learning processes (Busch et al, 1998;Schoen and Wıncour, 1998).…”