An absolute configuration of 5R seems to decrease activity of the compound
IntroductionProtozoa may be considered as microscopic, essentially single-celled, eukaryotic organisms that are free-living or parasitic (obtaining their food by eating other organisms or their products) in nature. Parasitic protozoal diseases continue to be a cause of considerable morbidity and mortality globally.
1,2Parasitic protozoal diseases include malaria, 3,4 trypanosomiasis (African sleeping sickness and Chagas disease), 5-7 leishmaniasis 8 and schistosomiasis. 9,10 They threaten almost one-third of the world's population, the most numerous incidents being recorded in over 100 Tropical and developing countries and territories, Figure 1. 11,12 Malaria, for example, was reported by the WHO, to be responsible for approximately 214 million sickness cases and 438,000 deaths globally in 2017. 13 The African region recorded the most death-related cases, especially amongst infants below the age of 5 and pregnant women. Schistosomiasis, caused by parasites of the Schistosoma genus are responsible for about 200 million sickness cases and about 280,000 death-related incidents annually worldwide.9,10,14 Only one drug (praziquantel) has been proven to be effective in the treatment of human schistosomiasis, with no vaccine available or in development so far.15-21 Serious concerns about drug selectivity and resistance were raised in 2013 when over 30 million people were treated in Sub-Saharan Africa. 20 Moreover, observed resistance and reduced efficiency of praziquantel in laboratory strains have prompted the search for alternative therapeutic strategies. Trypanosomiasis, which represents several diseases caused by parasites of the genus Trypanosoma, is also of interest. 5,27,29 This disease, which is much arguably the most important disease of man and domesticated animals, accounts for over 8 million reported annual cases globally, especially in the tropical regions of Latin America and Africa. 30,31 Although the present number of cases seems negligible on a worldwide scale, great socioeconomic effects on the endemic areas by this disease are forecast if inadequate attention (both at the communal, national, and international levels) is not given. 7,29,[32][33][34] Leishmaniasis is caused by parasites of the Leishmania type, which is also transmitted by certain types of sandflies. 35,36 The diseases are reported by the WHO to be responsible for about 1 million new cases leading to approximately 30,000 deaths annually on a global scale. The major cause is linked to environmental changes
A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C TArticle history:English abstract: Parasitic diseases continue represent a threat on a global scale, particularly among the poorest countries in the world. This is particularly because of the absence of vaccines, and in some cases, resistance against available drugs, currently being used for their treatment. In this review emphasis is laid on natural products and scaffolds from African medicinal plants (AMPs) for lead drug di...