“…To truly protect the diversity of marine systems, the design of MPAs must account for its location (Jameson et al ., ; Sundblad, Bergström & Sandström, ), connectivity with other areas (Sundblad et al ., ), number and proportion of protected oceanographic features (e.g. upwellings, seamounts; Sundblad et al ., ; Dunn et al ., ), species occurring there and their seasonality (Hyrenbach, Forney & Dayton, ; Mann & Lazier, ), climatic variability (Jameson et al ., ), isolation from human impacts (Rife et al ., ; Edgar et al ., ), human activities (Charles & Wilson, ; Edgar et al ., ; Mazor et al ., ) and socio‐economic use of the area (Charles & Wilson, ). Most MPAs are designed to improve fisheries management, that is, to manage commercial fish stocks in a more sustainable way (e.g.…”