“…This is partly understandable because it takes time to transpose, i.e., resignify and reconstruct, theoretical and practical knowledge previously produced in academic fields. However, there already research published in the last few decades about GCT proposals or experience reports developed in many countries , such as: United States of America (ANDRAOS; DICKS, 2012), China (LI; EILKS, 2021), Malaysia (KARPUDEWAN; ROTH; ISMAIL, 2015), Philippines (SANTOS; GUIDOTE, 2015), Germany (WISSINGER; KNUTSON; JAVNER, 2020), Indonesia (AULIAH; MULYADI, 2018), Nigeria (OWOYEMI; ADESINA, 2020), Mexico (YARTO; GAVILÁN; MARTÍNEZ, 2004), Africa (LENOIR; SCHRAMN; LALAH, 2020), Latin America (ZUIN et al, 2020) and Brazil (SOUZA-AGUIAR et al, 2014).…”