Improving the function of the upper limb in cerebral palsy is one of the main tasks of rehabilitation treatment and socialization of the patient.The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the “Exo hand-2” complex with the non-invasive interface “brain-computer” for correcting the motor function of the upper limb in cerebral palsy.The study involved 50 male and female with cerebral palsy (main group n = 30, control group n = 20) aged 12–18 years old. The level of motor activity according to the criteria of classification of large motor functions (GMFCS) was not more than III. All patients received a standard course of spa rehabilitation for 21 days. Patients of the main group were additionally rehabilitated using the “Exo hand-2” complex with the non-invasive interface “brain-computer”. As a result of treatment in the main group, spasticity in the paretic hand on the Modified Ashworth Scale decreased from 3 (2; 3) to 2 (1; 2) points (p <0.002); according to Tardieu, spasticity decreased from the level of 3 (2; 3) to 2 (1; 2) (p <0.002). Half of the patients had paretic arm muscle strength in the Medical Research Counsil Weakness Scale sums core from 2.3 (2; 3) to 3 (2; 3) points after treatment (p = 0.002); assessment of household skills on the Modified Franchay Scale showed an improvement from 37 (22.75; 63.75) to 45 (30; 72.75) points after therapy.
Среди заболеваний нервной системы главной причиной детской инвалидности является детский церебральный паралич [1, 2]. В Российской Федерации распространенность зарегистрированных случаев ДЦП составляет 2,2-3,3 случая на 1 000 новорожденных [3]. В современной литературе ДЦП характеризуют как группу непрогрессирующих синдромов, широко варьирующих по этиологии, манифестации клинических проявлений, их тяжести и прогнозу, обусловленных нарушением развития или повреждением двигательных центров головного мозга ребенка в антенатальном, интранатальном или неонатальном пе
Kurs neyroreabilitatsii s primeneniyem kompleksa «Ekzokist'-2» (neinvazivnyy interfeys mozg–komp'yuter i ekzoskelet kisti) v sochetanii s traditsionnym kurortnym lecheniyem privodit u detey s DTSP k znachimomu uluchsheniyu pokazateley dvizheniy, odnako kharakteristiki EEG ne byli proanalizirovany. Tsel'yu raboty bylo opredelit' osobennosti reaktivnosti EEG patsiyentov v chastotnom diapazone a-ritma pri prokhozhdenii kursa iz 10 seansov robotizirovannoy terapii. EEG registrirovali v 21 otvedenii v usloviyakh pokoya i kinesteticheskogo voobrazheniya dvizheniy razgibaniya pal'tsev ruk u 32 detey oboyego pola v vozraste 10–18 let, imeyushchikh diagnoz «levo- i pravostoronniy gemiparez». Vo vremya pervogo seansa patterny reaktivnosti a-ritma pri voobrazhenii dvizheniy u grupp detey s levo- i pravostoronnim gemiparezom razlichalis', prichem razlichiya dostigali statisticheskoy znachimosti v otvedenii R2 pri voobrazhenii dvizheniy levoy kisti (F1, 30 = 5,10; p < 0,05). Pattern reaktivnosti a-ritma vo vremya desyatogo seansa otlichalsya zameshcheniyem reaktsiy sinkhronizatsii v ryade otvedeniy na desinkhronizatsiyu, chto svidetel'stvuyet ob uvelichenii aktivatsii neokorteksa. Naiboleye vyrazhennymi byli izmeneniya EEG u detey s levostoronnim gemiparezom (F20, 300 =1,84; p < 0,05). Po zavershenii kursa stepen' razlichiya pokazateley EEG u patsiyentov s levo- i pravostoronnim gemiparezom umen'shilas'. Vyyavlennyye perestroyki patterna EEG v chastotnoy polose a-ritma mozhno rassmatrivat' kak proyavleniye protsessov blagopriyatnoy reorganizatsii neyronnykh tsepey, kontroliruyushchikh planirovaniye i vypolneniye slozhnykh dvizheniy ruk.
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