The preseni ini'estication u'as carried out to study the effrcacv of ceftain mincr,r oirs. neem exlract {-4;utlirachta ittdici,J J"r^r;;;; pirirnicarb irrsecr-icide against nrurphs and adurts oiu "r,o""ptit io strain of ,lpkis craccr,o'a Koch. -foxiciry,rines of'the three minerai oiis (sr-rper-nrisronaR. slrokre.nalr and KzR oilr.l u, r.rcil i,rs ,eem extract and pirirnicarb rvere deterrnilred b1, using thin io1,"r te.nnii,," * p",.i dishes tbr 24 lrour exposurc perit-ids.T]re mi,eral oirs, neenr extract and piri,ricarb *ere evarrratecl usins the [-c1., anci LC5s for each ccmpornJ. ] lr,, ohtained dati show tirat thc high concentrations of neeni cxtract" mineral oils and pirimicarb causcd decrease in rhe acri'ities of chorinest"ru.. filr;. acid phosphates (Acp) and rotiil prc)reins in the nymphs and oO,-,lt, of A. craccit'ora. rhe biorogicai crlbcts of the l.ive'materiais u.cier in'estigatioll \\'erc tcstcd ., cggs and second instar rarvae of the predator (lhrr'.u4terlu c:lrnea Steph. Eggs treaied with Super-rnisr,na and piri'"'rica'h shou'ed. a high p".."ntug" of iratching. fLr.frigfr.r, lai'r'al mofialiry occu;'red in the case,li'thJsec.,-xrci irstar la*,ae treatetl -127--12Eivithpirimicarbatrdthelowestr"asinthosetreatedwithShokronaoils and neem extraci-Key worrls: &cP, ,4pltis truccivorl, Azadirachtu indica' che' Chrysoperla cat'Ytetl. proteins, and toxicitr.