Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat sebagai salah satu lembaga parlemen di Indonesia, merupakan lembaga perwakilan rakyat. Hal ini setidaknya tercermin dalam Pasal 20 UUD NRI 1945 yang menegaskan bahwa DPR memegang kekuasaan membentuk undang-undang. Sebagai lembaga perwakilan rakyat, sudah seharusnya setiap anggota DPR menjalankan fungsinya sebagai wakil rakyat. Pelaksanaan fungsi ini terdegradasi setelah dalam UU No. 2 Tahun 2018 dan UU No. 2 Tahun 2011 dikenal adanya fraksi partai politik dalam kelembagaan DPR. Walaupun keberadaan fraksi ini dimaksudkan untuk pengelompokan anggota berdasarkan konfigurasi partai politik berdasarkan hasil pemilihan umum, namun di sisi lain fraksi juga memiliki kewenangan seperti melakukan pergantian antar waktu (PAW) anggotanya yang duduk sebagai anggota DPR, sehingga hal ini dapat menggangu pelaksanaan fungsi DPR sebagai perwakilan rakyat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa keberadaan fraksi dalam kelembagaan DPR merupakan kepanjangan partai politik dan hal ini membawa implikasi lain berupa terganggunnya pelaksanaan fungsi perwakilan rakyat oleh setiap anggota DPR menjadi perwakilan partai.Kata Kunci: Fraksi, Partai Politik, dan DPR.
In the perspective of administrative law, the existence of a state agency BPK is a manifestation of the existence of another form of power from state power, namely the power of supervision of state finances or power of inspection. In carrying out its duties and authorities to examine the management and responsibilities of state finances, BPK is often faced with problems that are closely related to the dynamics of law and legislation. Authority disputes, overlapping regulations, to technical matters related to inspection procedures are examples of some of these problems. Problems that have been and will continue to exist along with development developments that demand the birth of new legal dynamics that are increasingly complex. To the development of administrative law. Law Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration which applies to all government functions contained in Ministries and Institutions has juridical consequences from this to the implementation of government administration contained in BPK, thus regarding the delegation of authority from BPK to BPK Implementers must be clearly regulated in BPK's legal products.
Abstract.Problems in dismissing board members by their supporting political parties are still a polemic in the constitutional system of the Republic of Indonesia. The presumption of council members as an extension of the party is still a heated debate. So that a council member who should be a representative of the people seems to be a party representative. The regulation of dismissal of members of political parties is contained in article 16 of Act No. 2 of 2011 concerning Political Parties which explains that dismissal of party members is based on several factors, such as death, resignation in writing, becoming a member of another political party and violating code of ethics for Political Parties. This discussion uses qualitative research methods with a literature review approach.Keywords: Dismissal, Board Members, Political Parties Abstrak.Problematika pemberhentikan anggota dewan oleh partai politik pengusungnya masih menjadi polemik dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia. Adanya anggapan anggota dewan sebagai kepanjangan tangan partai, masih menjadi perdebatan yang sengit. Sehingga seorang anggota dewan yang seharusnya menjadi wakil rakyat seolah menjadi wakil partai. Akan halnya pengaturan pemberhentian terhadap anggota partai politik tertuang dalam pasal 16 Undang-Undang Nomor 2 tahun 2011 tentang Partai Politik yang menjelaskan bahwa pemberhentian terhadap anggota partai didasari oleh beberapa faktor, seperti meninggal dunia, mengundurkan diri secara tertulis, menjadi anggota partai politik lain dan melanggar kode etik Partai Politik. Pembahasan ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan literatur review.Kata Kunci: Pemberhentian, Anggota Dewan, Partai Politik
Indonesia and South Korea are two countries that both use a presidential system. This indicates that the two countries have something in common, especially regarding presidential institutions. But if we dive deeper, there are also differences between the two countries. But if you dive deeper, there are also differences between the two countries. This research has two research questions. What is the similarity between the presidential system in Indonesia and South Korea, and what are the differences between them. The results of the study found that although both use the presidential system of government, such a thing does not guarantee the equality of the position of the presidential institution in each country. In constitutional practice, there are variants of similarities and differences.
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