This survey was performed to determine the availability of epilepsy surgery, and understand the limiting factors to epilepsy surgery in ASEAN countries with total of 640 million population. Method: A cross-sectional survey was completed by national representatives in all ASEAN countries (Brunei,
Since the emerging of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become pandemic for months. Due to fast increased number of the positive patients with COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 is considered highly pathogenic virus with various clinical presentations. Apart from the typical respiratory symptoms, neurological complains in COVID-19 involving central and peripheral nervous systems have been reported. This paper aimed to review the neurological findings reported in patients with COVID-19. We qualitatively reviewed studies reporting COVID-19 patient(s) with neurological manifestations according to the recommendations of PRISMA statement.There were twelve studies included in this brief review. We found that patients with neurological findings were reported ranging from symptomatic complain of headache and dizziness to specific neurological diseases/syndromes, such as meningitis/encephalitis, acute cerebrovascular diseases, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and Miller Fisher syndrome. This review suggests the possible neurological involvement in COVID-19. We hope to raise the awareness of the health workers in taking care of the patients with COVID-19 and neurological diseases.
ABSTRAKSejak pertama kali muncul di Wuhan, Cina di akhir bulan Desember tahun 2019, infeksi severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) atau coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) telah menjadi pandemic selama berbulan-bulan. Karena cepatnya penambahan jumlah pasien COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 dinyatakan sebagai pathogen poten dengan berbagai manifestasi klinis. Selain gejala pernapasan yang khas muncul pada COVID-19, penyakit ini juga dilaporkan menyebabkan gangguan saraf pusat dan perifer pada beberapa kasus. Makalah ini menelaah temuan neurologis yang dilaporkan pada pasien COVID-19. Makalah ini merupakan review kualitatif dari laporan/ dokumen yang memaparkan manifestasi neurologis pada pasien COVID-19 sesuai dengan rekomendasi PRISMA. Terdapat 12 dokumen yang diikutkan dalam review ini. Temuan neurologis yang dilaporkan pada pasien COVID-19 berkisar dari keluhan klinis seperti nyeri kepala dan pusing berputar hingga penyakit/sindrom neurologis spesifik seperti meningitis/encephalitis, penyakit serebrovaskular akut, sindrom Guillain-Barré, dan sindrom Miller Fisher. Dapat disimpulkan kemungkinan adanya keterlibatan masalah neurologis pada pasien COVID-19. Diharapkan agar setiap tenaga kesehatan yang merawat pasien COVID-19 dan penyakit saraf untuk selalu waspada.
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