Vermicomposting is a biotechnological process, in which organic materials converted as valuable product by earthworms. The nutrient profi le of vermicompost is higher than traditional compost. The vermicompost alters the soil fertility in different ways, such as better aeration, porosity, bulk density, water holding capacity, pH, electrical conductivity, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium content. The application of the vermicompost is enriches the soil microorganism, plant growth (size of leaf, height, width and weight) and nutrient content of the yield. The high concentrations of vermicompost may delay plant growth due to the concentration of soluble salts. As a result, vermicomposts should be applied at required quantity to produced higher yield. In this overview describe about the organic waste management, vermicompost, earthworms species and economical importance of the vermicompost.