“…(p. 57) 2 In France, the study of social uses of ICTs in the 1980s has given rise to a community of researchers, which was later recognized to be an entire current of research and ultimately referred to as the "sociology of uses" (sociologie des usages) (Chambat, 1994;Millerand, 1999aMillerand, , 1999bJouët, 2000;Bajolet, 2005;Beuscart, Dagiral, Parasie, 2009;Jauréguiberry and Proulx, 2011;Denouël and Granjon, 2011;Jouët, 2011). Then, under this common label, which lent consistency and unity to what had been a sort of invisible college, many sociological works were developed, primarily focused on the notion of use (Jouët, 2000).…”