Abstract. New research facilities like MEGa-Ray (Livermore) or ELI-NP (Bucharest) will provide within the next years (2013)(2014)(2015)(2016) photon beams of unprecedented quality with respect to both photon intensity (total flux ∼ 10 13 γ/s) and spectral intensity (∼ (10 4 -10 6 )/eVs), thus exceeding the performance of existing facilities by several orders of magnitude. This tremendous progress will be enabled by Compton-backscattering of an intense laser off a high-quality electron beam, in conjunction with novel refractive bremsstrahlung beams focusing γ optics and efficient monochromatization techniques. We envisage to employ these γ beams for photofission studies on extremely deformed nuclear states of actinides, investigating their multiple-humped potential energy landscape in a highly selective way. Transmission resonances in the prompt fission cross section from the (superdeformed) second and (hyperdeformed) third potential minimum will be studied, where the fission decay channel can be expressed as a tunnelling process of these gateway states through the multiple-humped fission barrier.
Novel brilliant γ beams for photonuclear sciencePhotonuclear physics is a well-established field of research since decades [1]. Mostly bremsstrahlung has been used to excite nuclei or to induce fission in the actinides [2]. A significant improvement in narrowing the energy resolution of photon beams from typically 200-300 keV at bremsstrahlung facilities to about 15-25 keV was achieved by introducing the tagged-photon technique [3]. In recent years increasingly also Compton-backscattering of (laser-) photons off an energetic electron beam was used to generate γ beams according to the scheme illustrated by figure 1. Here the Doppler-upshift experienced by the initial pho- Fig. 1. Sketch of the mechanism to produce MeV photon beams (E γ ) by exploiting the Doppler-upshift experienced by a laser photon (energy E 0 ) which is Compton-backscattered off a relativistic electron. ton with energy E 0 is exploited to generate photon beams with high energies E γ via Compton-backscattering from a counter-propagating fast electron beam, characterized by its relativistic factor γ according to a e-mail: Peter.Thirolf@lmu.deThe simplified scaling of the backscattered photon energy with 4γ 2 holds for exactly backscattered photons and takes into account that the recoil term 4γE 0 /mc 2 is negligible for initial photon energies of a few eV. In realistic experiments, the angular spread after Compton scattering, described within the Klein-Nishina formula by the angle θ between the incident laser direction and the direction of the scattered γ beam, will be reduced by appropriate collimation of the back-scattered photons.Presently the world-leading γ-beam facility HIγS (High Intensity Gamma-Ray Source) is operated at Duke University in the US [4]. A free-electron laser (FEL) operated in a 1.2-GeV electron storage ring is used to produce photons (from IR to VUV) that subsequently are Comptonbackscattered off the relativistic electron beam. Cu...