“…A lot of papers on the Merkel cell have appeared during the last two decades (CAUNNA, 1962;MUNGER, 1965MUNGER, , 1977MUSTAKALLIO and KIISTALA, 1967;SMITH, 1967SMITH, , 1970IGGO and MUIR, 1969;KUROSUMI et al, 1969;BREATHNACH, 1971;LYNE and HOLLIS 1971;HASHIMOTO, 1972 a, b;ANDRES and DURING, 1973;NAFSTAD, 1971a, b;WINKELMANN and BREATHNACH, 1973;ENGLISH, 1974ENGLISH, , 1977WHEITEAR, 1974;BUDTZ and LARSEN, 1975;HALATA, 1975;SAXOD, 1978;TWEEDLE, 1978;TACHIBANA, 1978TACHIBANA, , 1979, and many others). But the life history, including the developmental origin, of the Merkel cell is not necessarily clear.…”