“…During 1999During -2004, the top ten, 35, and 85 institutions comprise the first, second, and third quartiles of all articles published in these four finance journals. In comparison, Klemkosky and Tuttle (1977) find that the top eight and top 23 institutions comprise the upper two quartiles of output in the JF, JFE, andJFQA during 1966-1975;Niemi (1987) finds the first two quartiles consist of the top eight and top 28 institutions publishing in the same three journals over 1975-1986and Borokhovich, Bricker, Brunarski and Simkins (1995) show that the top 13 and top 27 institutions account for the first two quartiles of articles published in 16 core finance journals (including the JF, JFE, JFQA, and RFS) during 1989-1993. While institutions in the second and lower quartiles frequently move up and down ranking lists from study to study and across different sample periods (Chan, Chen and Steiner, 2002), there has been remarkable stability in the Table 1 Institutional ranks and finance research productivity, 1999-2004…”