DOI: 10.4141/p00-093
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The importance of early season phosphorus nutrition

Abstract: . 2001. The importance of early season phosphorus nutrition. Can. J. Plant Sci. 81: 211-224. A review of studies conducted in a range of plant species indicated the importance of an adequate supply of P during early crop growth and outlined plant adaptations for accessing early season P. Potential implications of the requirement for early season P in the development of management practices to optimize P supply for crop production were also discussed. Phosphorus plays a critical role in energy reactions in the … Show more

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Cited by 418 publications
(338 citation statements)
References 77 publications
(70 reference statements)
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“…La production de biomasse au de´but de la saison et le rendement grainier du lin sont relativement peu affecte´s par les engrais P, qu'ils soient applique´s la saison ante´rieure ou la meˆme saison, bien qu'on note une augmentation de la concentration de P au de´but de la saison et de l'accumulation de P quand le lin est fertilise´avec l'engrais phosphate´. Parmi les facteurs e´value´s dans le cadre de cette e´tude, c'est la culture ante´rieure qui influe le plus sur la croissance du lin, l'e´tablissement de la culture, la production de biomasse en de´but de saison, l'accumulation de P et le rendement grainier connaissant une hausse significative quand on cultive le lin apre`s le ble´plutoˆt qu'apre`s du canola.Mots clé s: Assolement, fertilisation, phosphate d'ammonium diacide, lin, ble´, canola An adequate early-season P supply is critical to obtain optimum crop yield (Grant et al 2001). Withholding P during early plant growth can cause a restriction in crop growth from which the plant may not recover.…”
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“…La production de biomasse au de´but de la saison et le rendement grainier du lin sont relativement peu affecte´s par les engrais P, qu'ils soient applique´s la saison ante´rieure ou la meˆme saison, bien qu'on note une augmentation de la concentration de P au de´but de la saison et de l'accumulation de P quand le lin est fertilise´avec l'engrais phosphate´. Parmi les facteurs e´value´s dans le cadre de cette e´tude, c'est la culture ante´rieure qui influe le plus sur la croissance du lin, l'e´tablissement de la culture, la production de biomasse en de´but de saison, l'accumulation de P et le rendement grainier connaissant une hausse significative quand on cultive le lin apre`s le ble´plutoˆt qu'apre`s du canola.Mots clé s: Assolement, fertilisation, phosphate d'ammonium diacide, lin, ble´, canola An adequate early-season P supply is critical to obtain optimum crop yield (Grant et al 2001). Withholding P during early plant growth can cause a restriction in crop growth from which the plant may not recover.…”
“…Mots clé s: Assolement, fertilisation, phosphate d'ammonium diacide, lin, ble´, canola An adequate early-season P supply is critical to obtain optimum crop yield (Grant et al 2001). Withholding P during early plant growth can cause a restriction in crop growth from which the plant may not recover.…”
confidence: 99%
“…Through many researches, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have been shown to promote plant growth and salinity tolerance. They promote salinity tolerance by employing various mechanisms, such as enhancing nutrient uptake, especially phosphorus (P) nutrition (Giri et al 2002), producing plant growth hormones, improving rhizospheric condition of the soil (Linderman 1994), altering the physiological and biochemical properties of the host plants (Grant et al 2001) and improving host physiological processes (Pfetffer and Bloss 1988). In addition, AMF colonization can reverse the effect of salinity on potassium (K) and Na + nutrition by enhancing K + absorption under saline conditions (Ruiz-Lozano et al 1996;Giri et al 2002;Sharifi et al 2007) while preventing Na translocation to shoot tissues.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The lack of a better relationship between soil test P and fertilizer response was attributed to the generally high level of P fertility in Alberta soils and a frequent "starter" benefit of P fertilizer, even on soils testing high in P. Starter benefits of P fertilizer depend on soil temperature and moisture conditions during early growth, as well as crop type and soil P availability (Grant et al 2001). However, some of the unexplained variation in P fertilizer response may have also been due to the use of soil test methods that do not provide an accurate assessment of P availability to plants.…”
confidence: 99%