“…Some of these sources precede Estrada's publication (Anzaldúa et al, 2003) with other research emerging either independently or simultaneously to his work (Talebreza-May, 2015;Zentella, 2004Zentella, , 2009Zentella, , 2014. A few sources discuss the potential benefits of using HTT in the mental health research for all American groups with histories of colonization, including PIMA-US (Brave Heart et al, 2011;Carvajal et al, 2002;Hanna et al, 2017;Mohatt et al, 2014;Stevens et al, 2015;Whitbeck et al, 2004). Whereas most of the sources focus on adverse outcomes, a few also QUALIFYING SCHOLARLY PAPER 10 highlight the resilient responses to historical trauma (Cromer et al, 2018;Grayshield et al, 2015;Ramirez & Hammack, 2014).…”