DOI: 10.1007/bf00848444
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The effects of prostomium and proventriculus removal on sex determination and gametogenesis inTyposyllis pulchra (Polychaeta: Syllidae)

Abstract: The prostomium alone or the prostomium and proventriculus of reproductiveTyposyllis pulchra were periodically removed at known stages of oogenesis and the gametes were examined by transmission electron microscopy. If the proventriculus and prostomium were simultaneously removed prior to day 3 of the stolonization sequence, before gonial differentiation, the time reruired for stolon formation and concomitant gametogenesis was shortened; the animals, all of which had previously reproduced as females, produced on… Show more

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Cited by 16 publications
(21 citation statements)
References 10 publications
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“…Following studies were focused mainly on the relationship between regeneration and sexual reproduction based on experiments of removal of the pharynx and/or proventricle, which might play a role during stolonization (Durchon, , ; Junqua, ; Okada, ; Wissocq, , ). Some of the most recent studies were those published by Franke (, ), Heacox and Schroeder (), and Franke and Pfannenstiel (). After three decades, this topic re‐emerged with a study about the role of the proventricle during the stolonization of T. antoni (Weidhase, Bleidorn et al., ).…”
Section: Syllid Regenerationmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Following studies were focused mainly on the relationship between regeneration and sexual reproduction based on experiments of removal of the pharynx and/or proventricle, which might play a role during stolonization (Durchon, , ; Junqua, ; Okada, ; Wissocq, , ). Some of the most recent studies were those published by Franke (, ), Heacox and Schroeder (), and Franke and Pfannenstiel (). After three decades, this topic re‐emerged with a study about the role of the proventricle during the stolonization of T. antoni (Weidhase, Bleidorn et al., ).…”
Section: Syllid Regenerationmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Usually, experiments with removal of the proventricle indicated a potential role of this structure during reproduction (Durchon, , ; Franke, , ; Franke & Pfannenstiel, ; Weidhase, Beckers et al., ). Posterior ends of fragments without proventricle seem to increase the production of male stolons, suggesting that the proventricle inhibits the stolonization and is involved in sexual determination (Durchon, , ; Durchon & Wissocq, ; Franke & Pfannenstiel, ; Heacox & Schroeder, ; Weidhase, Beckers et al., ; Wissocq, ). Experiments in which the proventricle is removed in S. prolifera have shown that stolonization stops when the structure is re‐implanted, indicating that the proventricle may inhibit stolonization while promoting regeneration (Franke & Pfannenstiel, ).…”
Section: The Role Of the Proventricle During Regenerationmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Interestingly, syllids are known to have an hormonal regulatory system of sex determination which involves the prostomium and the proventricle (Durchon, 1972;Franke, 1983Franke, , 1986bPfannenstiel, 1978;Weidhase et al, 2016;Wissocq & Wolff, 1966). Moreover, they can present successive (Durchon, 1951;Franke, 1986a;Wissocq, 1963) or even simultaneous hermaphroditism (Musco et al, 2010), and it has been shown that proventricle removal induces the formation of male stolons, indicating that additional mechanisms are necessary for female specification (Durchon, 1951;Heacox & Schroeder, 1982;Weidhase et al, 2016). Therefore, the differences between males and females in the expression patterns of Ta-nanos ( Figure 4) and Ta-vasa ( Figure 6) could also be related to the hormonal regulation of sex determination.…”
Section: Expression Patterns Of Vasa Piwi and Nanos During Gametomentioning
confidence: 99%
“…specialized structure of the digestive tract), allowing the initiation of stolonization (Franke 1999). In contrast, during winter, when days are short and temperatures low at high latitudes, the proventricle is not controlled by the prostomium, and the proventricular stolonization-suppressing hormone then inhibits stolonization (e.g., Abeloos 1950;Durchon 1952Durchon , 1959Durchon and Wissocq 1964;Franke 1980Franke , 1981Franke , 1983aFranke , b, 1985Franke , 1999Heacox 1980;Heacox and Schroeder 1982;Franke and Pfannenstiel 1984;Verger-Bocquet 1984). Hormonal factors have also been suggested to drive the sexual differentiation of the stolon (Franke 1980;Heacox and Schroeder 1982), in particular the female stolon, given that it seems that male stolon differentiation occurs autonomously, whereas female stolon differentiation may depend on hormone release by male stolons (Franke 1999).…”
confidence: 99%