DOI: 10.1111/ede.12263
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Expression of vasa, piwi, and nanos during gametogenesis in Typosyllis antoni (Annelida, Syllidae)

Abstract: Although model species have proven to be crucial for developmental biology, the evo-devo approach requires a broader picture across phylogeny. Herein, we try to expand the range of studied annelids by presenting a transcriptome of Typosyllis antoni as a tool for the study of developmental and evolutionary processes in Syllidae. Moreover, we provide homologs of the stem-cell markers vasa, piwi, and nanos, and investigate their expression patterns in gamete-producing individuals for the first time in this group.… Show more

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Cited by 26 publications
(16 citation statements)
References 99 publications
(163 reference statements)
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“…These high duplication levels were probably a consequence of pooling different individuals for each sequencing library, which can introduce allelic variation, splicing differences, and assembly artefacts [73]. Nevertheless, our transcriptomic analyses relied on highly complete assemblies based on BUSCO criteria and the comparison with other annelid assemblies [57, 74, 75]; and, since we performed the differential expression analyses at the level of Trinity ‘genes’ (which sums up the expression values of all isoforms of a ‘gene’), this redundancy does not affect our results.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…These high duplication levels were probably a consequence of pooling different individuals for each sequencing library, which can introduce allelic variation, splicing differences, and assembly artefacts [73]. Nevertheless, our transcriptomic analyses relied on highly complete assemblies based on BUSCO criteria and the comparison with other annelid assemblies [57, 74, 75]; and, since we performed the differential expression analyses at the level of Trinity ‘genes’ (which sums up the expression values of all isoforms of a ‘gene’), this redundancy does not affect our results.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…PL10, like vasa , piwi , and nanos , is one of the germline multipotency program genes [80]. These genes are linked to somatic differentiation and stem-cellness, and can be considered conserved markers of the SAZ in annelids [14, 26, 34, 48, 62, 74, 80, 81].…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…This is different from Drosophila, Dugesia, Hydra, and Pleurobrachia; however, L. sanguineus is not the only animal species with these genes silent in female gonads. For example, the Ta-piwi2 of Typosyllis antoni (Annelida) is expressed in male testes but not in female ovaries [50]. Unfortunately, no development of testes was observed in our experimental animals; thus, whether piwi genes of L. sanguineus, particularly Ls-piwi2 and Ls-piwi3, are expressed in male germlines remains to be studied.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 79%
“…Accordingly, all hypotheses on the monophyly of the main groups within Syllidae (i.e., the five subfamilies and the main lineages within them) are highly congruent. This stable phylogenetic scenario allowed to trace the evolution of biological processes such as the reproductive modes and a large variety of regenerative abilities [500,[503][504][505].…”
Section: Syllidaementioning
confidence: 99%