“…However, rates of sex and recombination can vary between individuals. In particular, stressful conditions have been shown to affect the frequency of sexual reproduction in many organisms, including complete shifts from asexual to sexual reproduction (Kleiven et al, 1992;Mai & Breeden, 2000;Rautiainen et al, 2004;Foster, 2005), and elevated levels of recombination (Plough, 1917;Belyaev & Borodin, 1982;Kupiec, 2000;Abdullah & Borts, 2001; see Hadany &Otto, 2009, andHadany, 2009, for a more comprehensive list of studies). Mathematical and computer simulation models of single-species systems have shown that even in the presence of substantial fitness costs, condition-dependent sex typically evolves much easier than condition-independent sex (Redfield, 1988;Gessler & Xu, 2000;Hadany & Beker, 2003;Hadany & Otto, 2009), and this is true in both haploid and diploid species (Hadany & Otto, 2007).…”