DOI: 10.1108/02640470410561929
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The e‐learning library: only a warehouse of learning resources?

Abstract: The potentialities of information technology, together with economic concerns, have been forcing various organizations to go electronic in order to reposition themselves toward a sustainable future. This has also happened to libraries, whose primary value lies not only in their collections but also in their contribution to education through smart organization and management of collected information, which they make easily usable and accessible to users. The paper addresses these issues and discusses such aspec… Show more

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Cited by 20 publications
(8 citation statements)
References 12 publications
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“…Finally, the E-library is a vital e-service which includes various digital materials such as text, images, and videos. Moreover, it includes a set of techniques and services that help to collect, organize, retrieve, and preserve those digital objects for a community of users (Roy & Elfner, 2002;Nfila, 2005;Wang & Hwang, 2004). The SVU provides access to electronic libraries e.g., Emerald 5 , Springer 6 on it is official website where students have an access to any article using their personal accounts (He, Mao, & Peng, 2006).…”
Section: Electronic Services (E-service) In Online Learningmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Finally, the E-library is a vital e-service which includes various digital materials such as text, images, and videos. Moreover, it includes a set of techniques and services that help to collect, organize, retrieve, and preserve those digital objects for a community of users (Roy & Elfner, 2002;Nfila, 2005;Wang & Hwang, 2004). The SVU provides access to electronic libraries e.g., Emerald 5 , Springer 6 on it is official website where students have an access to any article using their personal accounts (He, Mao, & Peng, 2006).…”
Section: Electronic Services (E-service) In Online Learningmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In regard to E-guidance, Wang and Hwang (2004) found that "Skillful guidance and tactical presentation from insightful involvement is required for designing the e-learning library". While Nevg (2001) added that the tutorial guidance seemed to have positive effect on students' motivational strategies in learning and helping them to develop more cognitive learning strategies.…”
Section: Electronic Services (E-service) In Online Learning and Studementioning
confidence: 99%
“…Although the internet has among its archives billions of documents and multimedia materials that can be found by using search engines, it is a more complex task to ensure that the materials and documentation discovered in such searches are appropriate to a specific educational field and context. For Wang and Hwang (2004), it is difficult for educators to build and maintain personal collections and is 'very time consuming to locate and retrieve distributed learning materials'. For Rolfe (2012), searching for OER in repositories facilitates the non-commercial reuse of content with minimal restrictions.…”
Section: Reviewing the Literature: Themes And Qimentioning
confidence: 99%
“…• Aún hay pocos docentes con experiencia en e-learning o en desarrollar contenidos para este medio [Hall, 2002;Laurillard, 2002;Wang & Hwang, 2004;Zenger & Walker, 2000]. Muy pocos acadé-micos de la generación actual han recibido formación a través de la tecnología, por lo cual la práctica se desarrolla lentamente y la teoría avanza aún menos.…”
Section: Factores Claves De éXito Y Barreras De Tipo Cultural Y Organunclassified
“…El concepto de educación en línea ha sido sujeto de distintas definiciones [Akeroyd, 2005;Anderson & Elloumi, 2004;Henry, 2001;Hosie & Schibeci, 2005;ITC, 1998;Wang & Hwang, 2004] y términos (educación en lí-nea, educación virtual, aprendizaje vía web, online learning, elearning, aprendizaje en línea, etc.). Se observa el uso de los términos "aprendizaje" y "educación" sin mayor diferencia en su aplicación, e inclusive el uso de la palabra "instrucción" (computer-based instruction, web-based instruction).…”
Section: Introductionunclassified