.SUMMARY Diurnal measurements of leaf or leaflet extension, water relations and cell wall extensibility {(jj) were made on young growing leaves of four chalk downland herbs (Sanguisorba minor Scop., Lotus corniculatus L,, Anthyllis vulneraria L. and Plan/ago media L.) gtowing in controlled environment cabinets and exposed to either ambient or elevated CO^. This study re\'ealed ditierences in the efft-ct of CO,, and the control of It-af growth between the four sptcies. Leaf extt-iision rate (LER) lntreasfd significantly at night (average o'ver 8 h) in elevated CO., for S. minor, A. vultieraria and /'. media with a significant increase over the first 4 h of darkness for S. minor, L. corniculatus and P. media, whilst for 5, minor and P. media average day-time LER (over 16 h) also increased significantly in elevated CO^ as compared with ambient CO^. Water potential (4*), solute potential ("Fj, turgor pressure (P), yield turgor (Y) and the effective turgor for growth (Pe) were measured using psychrometers. Solute potentials of ^' ?. minor, A. vulneraria and P. media decreased significantly following exposure to ele\'ated CO^ with a significant reduction in y, during the day in A. I'ulneraria. Turgor pressure increased significantly in elevated CO, as compared with ambient CO., in A. i-utnerario but there was no effect of elevated CO^ on P in tbe otber species. No effects of CO., on 'F. Y or Pe were observed. Leaf cell wall extensibility {ij)) increased significantly in leaves ot" S. minor, L. corniculatus and P. media exposed to elevated i. 'O.,, whereas in A. •auinermia. there was no effect of CO.j on extensibility.Tbese results suggest thai the mechanism by which elevated CO^ promotes leaf growth differs between species since in S. minor, L. corniculatus and P. media, CO^ promoted growth through an InHuence on cell wall properties, whilst in A. rutneraria, higher values of P explain the increased leaf growth m ele^ ated CO^ for this species.