Dynamic dynamic 1 470 96 4.90 Static static 103 43 2.40 Stochastic fuzzy 219 10 21.90 probabilistic 27 13 2.08 stochastic 605 90 6.72 Deterministic deterministic 378 127 2.98 2. Scheduling policy Common-cycleapproach common cycle, CC, CCA 1939 174 11.14 1 The recording unit hits for "dynamic programming" have been subtracted from the recording unit hits for "dynamic". Basic-periodapproach General terms basic period 2 , BP, BPA 1905 143 13.32 fundamental cycle, fundamental period, FC 391 10.29 Extended-Basic-Period-Approach extended basic, EBP, EBPA 476 6.52 Time-varyinglot-sizeapproach time varying lot, TVLSA, TVLS 407 4.47 No cycle approach no cycle approach 0 0 0.00 18 7 2.57 two-group heuristic* 20 1.82 Meta-heuristic methods General terms evolutionary algorithm, evolution, EA 235 3.73 greedy algorithm 71 2.84 local search