This study was conducted to provide a chemical fingerprint of burnt porcine tissue (Sus domesticus spp.) in the presence of petrol using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The pyrolysis process was followed through using two methods; in the first method, the sample was allowed to continuously burn until auto-ignition was attained and the flames self-extinguished, and in the second method, upon auto-ignition of the sample, the flame was extinguished by placing an empty lid over the tin after the size of the flame reduced to burning within the tin. Six replicates of each method were burnt outdoors and underwent passive headspace extraction using activated carbon tablets. The activated carbon tablets together with the samples were then incubated in an oven for 16 hours at 80 °C. After the incubation process, the tablets were desorbed in 1 mL of pentane and were introduced into the GC-MS. Toluene was detected from the first method whereas 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene was detected from the second method. Pyrolytic key indicators of burnt porcine tissue in the presence of petrol were not detected under the specific environmental conditions implemented in this study. The volume of petrol together with the duration and temperature during the burning process, and the source of flame, played crucial roles in the generation and detection of pyrolytic products obtained during the fire.
AbstrakKajian ini dijalankan untuk menjana data cap jari kimia bagi tisu khinzir (Sus domesticus spp.) yang dibakar dengan kehadiran petrol menggunakan kromatografi gas-spektrometri jisim (GC-MS). Proses pirolisis telah dijalankan mengikut dua kaedah; kaedah pertama dilakukan dengan membiarkan sampel terbakar dan apinya terpadam dengan sendiri, dan kaedah kedua, nyalaan api yang terbentuk daripada nyalaan auto pencucuhan telah dipadamkan dengan meletakkan penutup tin ke atas permukaan tin apabila saiz nyalaan api tersebut mengecil dan hanya tertumpu di dalam tin. Setiap sampel daripada kedua-dua kaedah telah dibakar secara terbuka dan menjalani proses penyerapan menggunakan penjerapan karbon teraktif dalam bentuk tablet. Proses pembakaran ini telah direplikasi sebanyak enam kali. Penjerapan karbon teraktif bersama sampel diinkubasi di dalam ketuhar selama 16 jam pada suhu 80 °C. Selepas proses inkubasi, tablet tersebut dinyaherap dalam 1 mL pentana dan dianalisa menggunakan GC-MS. Toluena dikesan daripada kaedah pertama manakala 1,2,4-trimetilbenzena dikesan daripada kaedah kedua. Petunjuk utama pirolitik tisu khinzir tidak dapat dikesan di bawah keadaan persekitaran spesifik yang diaplikasikan dalam kajian ini. Di samping itu, didapati bahawa isipadu petrol yang dibakar, tempoh pembakaran dan suhu yang dicapai semasa proses pembakaran serta sumber api memainkan peranan yang penting dalam menentukan kehadiran petunjuk utama produk pirolitik yang terhasil daripada sesuatu proses pembakaran.