FOUR PLATES (THIRTY FIGURES) AUTHOR'S ABSTRACTDuring the quiescent fourth larval instar the larva of Drosophillc becomes loosened from the puparium and takes on the form of a pupa . A large gas bubble is formed within the b2dAt the end of this stadmm. which lasts 111 hours a t 25 d it upates shedding the prepupal cuticle . The gas bubble is used as a meqhanistn to separ;te txe cutiile from its hypodermis . Practically all of the tissues undergo hlstolysls and are replaced by imaginal structures derived from specialized cells . Some of the muscles persist longer than the general mass and perform special functions in the pupa . The sequence of histolytic and histogenetic changes is accurately timed at a constant temperature . during this prepupal period .