It is evident that there is a shift of less than 4% in all cases between measured results reported in [14] with open/short circuits and theory (model), and a much larger shift (15-25%) between measured results with diodes and those with open/short circuits. This means that there are two mechanisms taking part to this drift, which sum to each other. The first is the unavoidable over-etching of the metal (affecting both cases; open/short and diodes), the second is the parasite capacitance associated with the diodes package (SMD metal pads), beside those aforementioned. This drift is frequency dependent and seems to validate the above hypothesis. All these factors may be neglected in a first design iteration and considered afterward once the location of the transmission zeros have been found by means of the aforeintroduced slotline theory. Eventually, the effect of the diodes can be considered for a final tuning of the structure. It should be clear that these reported results are obtained with a single iteration, and no redesign has been done.ABSTRACT: The hot-carrier reliability, analog, and linearity characteristics of DMG ISE SON MOSFET have been discussed. The device reduces electron temperature by 35.85% in comparison to a 770 non-dual material gate (DMG) architecture showing its self-heating resistant nature. The analog performance and linearity metrics-g m /I DS , R out , V EA , and g m /g d and VIP 2 and VIP 3 -have been studied facilitating the selection of bias point for improved RF/analog performance.ABSTRACT: In this article we reported, for the first time, a low complexity Field Programmable Gate Array solution for integrating video surveillance into RFID units. The method is comprised of two major building blocks, namely a RFID transmitter operating at a maximum bandwidth of 250 kbps, and a near computation free image Figure 7 (a) Simulated VIP 2 variation with gate bias (V GS ) for different structures under consideration. L 1 ¼ 50 nm, T film ¼ 30 nm, qU M1 ¼ 4.77 eV, qU M2 ¼ 4.10 eV, and V DS ¼ 0.5 V. (b) Simulated VIP 3 variation with gate bias (V GS ) for different structures under consideration. L 1 ¼ 50 nm, T film ¼ 30 nm, qU M1 ¼ 4.77 eV, qU M2 ¼ 4.10 eV, and V DS ¼ 0.5 V