Tree-based intercropping (TBI) systems, combining agricultural alley crops with rows of hardwood trees, are largely absent in Canada. We tested the hypothesis that the roots of 5-8 years old hybrid poplars, growing in two TBI systems in southern Québec, would play a ''safety-net'' role of capturing nutrients leaching below the rooting zone of alley crops. TBI research plots at each site were trenched to a depth of 1 m on each side of an alley. Control plots were left with tree roots intact. In each treatment at each site, leachate at 70 cm soil depth was repeatedly sampled over two growing seasons using porous cup tension lysimeters, and analyzed for nutrient concentrations. Daily water percolation rates were estimated with the forest hydrology model ForHyM. Average nutrient concentrations for all days between consecutive sampling dates were multiplied by water percolation rates, yielding daily nutrient leaching loss estimates for each sampling step. We estimated that tree roots in the TBI system established on clay loam soil decreased subsoil NO 3 -leaching by 227 kg N ha -1 and 30 kg N ha -1 over two consecutive years, and decreased dissolved organic N (DON) leaching by 156 kg N ha -1 year -1 in the second year of the study. NH 4 ? leaching losses at the same site were higher when roots were present, but were 1-2 orders of magnitude lower than NO 3 -or DON leaching. At the sandy textured site, the safety net role of poplar roots with respect to N leaching was not as effective, perhaps because N leaching rates exceeded root N uptake by a wider margin than at the clay loam site. At the sandy textured site, significant and substantial reductions of sodium leaching were observed where tree roots were present. At both sites, tree roots reduced DON concentrations and the ratio of DON to inorganic N, perhaps by promoting microbial acquisition of DON through rhizodeposition. This study demonstrated a potential safety-net role by poplar roots in 5-8 yearold TBI systems in cold temperate regions.