“…[6][7][8] There have been myriad methods reported for the p-or n-type chemical doping of SWNTs. The p-type doping involves using acids, for example, H 2 SO 4 , [9][10][11][12][13][14] H 2 SO 3 , 13 HNO 3 , 7,10,14-22 HCl, 10 SOCl 2 , 11,21-27 CF 3 SO 3 H, 28 and Nafion, 29,30 as well as some oxidizing agents (= electron acceptors), such as tetrafluorotetracyano-p-quinodimethane, 31-33 I 2 , 11,34 IBr, 34 PBr 3 , 35 HSO 3 Cl, 34 KAuBr 4 , 34 AuCl 3 , [36][37][38][39] MoO x , 40 NO 2 ,41,42 CuCl 2 / Cu(OH) 2 , 43 and [(CF 3 SO 2 ) 2 N] − . [44][45][46][47] The n-type dopants are generally reducing agents (= electron donors), namely, alkali metals (K- [48][49][50][51][52] or Na-based dopants 52 ), N 2 H 4 , 22,53,54 aniline, 11 polyaniline, 53 ethylene diamine, 11 NH 3 ,42 polymer PEI,…”