Taking into account the recently developed van der Waals (VDW)-like equation of state (EoS) for grand canonical ensemble of fermions, the temperature-dependent profiles of normalized entropy density (s/T 3 ) and the ratio of shear viscosity and entropy density (η/s) for hadron resonance gas have been evaluated. The VDW parameters, corresponding to interactions between (anti)baryons, have been obtained by contrasting lattice EoS for QCD matter at finite chemical potentials (μ B ) and for T 160 MeV. The temperature-and chemical-potentialdependent study of s/T 3 and η/s for hadron gas, by signaling onsets of first-order phase transition and crossover in the hadronic phase of QCD matter, helps in understanding the QCD phase diagram in the (T , μ B ) plane. An estimation of probable location of critical point matches predictions from other recent studies.