“…In 9 out of 11 studies, the gestures were measured in communication situations. Among these studies, three required participants to recount the content of a cartoon or a story to another person (Manghi Haquin et al, 2019;Mastrogiuseppe & Lee, 2017;Vandereet et al, 2011), three (Bello et al, 2004;Stefanini et al, 2007Stefanini et al, , 2008 used the Picture Naming Test or the Boston Naming Test, which requires images to be described verbally. In the other three studies, the gestures were recorded during free play sessions in the presence of a parent (Iverson et al, 2003), the experimenter (Saletti et al, 2007) or during a lesson (Hord et al, 2016).…”