“…This section provides a high-level overview of animal behavior classification frameworks for small laboratory animals. We outline a general taxonomy that organizes methods as supervised or unsupervised at a coarse level, and with varying degrees of supervision Taxonomy for Animal Behavior Classification Supervised Classification Hand-crafted Features, Behavior Labels [137], [33], [72], [20], [47], [79], [60], [101], [35], [45] Behavior Labels [91], [160], [63] Hand-crafted Features, Pose and Behavior Labels, PE [139], [145], [146], [4], [94], [121] Pose and Behavior Labels, PE [179] Optical Flow, Hand-crafted Features, Behavior Labels [161] Residual Learning, Optical Flow, Behavior Labels [14] Residual Learning, Pose and Behavior Labels, PE [178] Residual Learning, Optical Flow, Behavior Labels [105] Unsupervised Classification Hand-crafted Features, Pose Labels, PE [61] Fully Unsupervised [144], [11], [172], [8], [16], [73] Fig. 8.…”