“…In BB-LEH, seagrass meadows are found predominantly at depths less than 1 m along the sandy shoals (Kennish, 2001), although Z. marina has been observed down to 4.6 m (see section "Calibration Results"; Lathrop and Haag, 2011;Defne and Ganju, 2015). Depth is a significant control on seagrass habitat viability in BB-LEH due to high light attenuation, with meadows below 1 m becoming increasingly sparse (Kennish et al, 2008;Ganju et al, 2014). In addition to depth, seagrass habitat is negatively associated with substrates with high organic matter, which are primarily found in deeper portions of the bay (Ocean County Soil Conservation District [OCSCD] Over the past 30 years, there has been a documented decrease in seagrass habitat extent and density in BB-LEH (Lathrop and Haag, 2011;Kennish et al, 2013).…”